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一、办理机动车变更手续 1.到各区、县交通大(中)队宣传科或车管所(含地区所)领取《机动车变更、过户、改装、停驶、复驶、报废审批申请表》,按规定填写,公车盖单位公章,私车车主签名或盖章。 2.车主单位名称变更的,提交上级机关的批准文件及证明或工商部门证明,盖新单位公章。 3.改变车型、车架、车身、加强室及车辆原设计性能、用途、结构的,须事先提出书面申请,到车管所检验科审批,批准后到指定部门改装。改后持批准证明和变更项目发票到车管所检验科或指定的部门检验车辆,合格后办理变更手续。 4.机动车行驶证登记项目有改变的,机动车所有者须自改变之日起1个月内到车管所办理变更登记。 First, the procedures for the change of motor vehicles 1. To all districts and counties Traffic (Team) Team Propaganda Section or the Vehicle Administration (including the area) to receive “vehicles change, transfer, alteration, stop, duplicate driving, scrap approval application form ”, Fill in according to the regulations, official seal of bus cover, signature or seal of private car owner. 2. If the owner’s name is changed, submit the documents of approval and the certificate of the higher authorities or the certificate of the department of industry and commerce, and seal the new unit. 3. To change the model, frame, bodywork, and strengthen the original design performance, use and structure of the room and vehicle, a written application shall be submitted in advance to the vehicle inspection department for examination and approval, and then to the designated department for modification. Change after the approval certificate and change the project invoice to the vehicle inspection department or the designated department to test the vehicle, pass the change procedures. 4. Motor vehicle driving license registration items have changed, the owner of the motor vehicle to be changed within 1 month from the date of change to the Vehicle Administration registration.
攀钢集团成都钢铁有限责任公司8×104m3转炉煤气柜位于攀成钢老厂区北侧新征地内,储存煤气数量大,采用IC I公司蒙德火灾、爆炸、毒性指标法对该煤气柜危险性进行评价,从而确
在中国,有自觉意识地对男女平等的追求,始于近代前夜明清时期,即明中叶16世纪30年代至鸦片战争爆发。 明中后期至清中叶,是早期启蒙文化与回光返照的封建文化相交织的阶段。
分析32例自发性大脑枕叶出血病因、临床表现特点及影响预后的因素。 Analysis of 32 cases of spontaneous occipital lobe hemorrhage etiology, clinical features and pr