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江苏泰州是大说书家柳敬亭的出生地,为了纪念柳敬亭对中国评话事业的杰出贡献,在中国曲协的具体指导下,泰州凤城河管委会正在编辑《柳敬亭资料汇编》一书,收录从明末至今的所有重要诗词、文章,请撰写过柳敬亭文章的作者予以大力支持。目前有些作者的文章已经选入,但我们无法联系作者本人(有些作者已经去世,希望后代能与我们取得联系),请相关作者见此启事后能与我们联系。以便图书出版后寄赠样书。 Taizhou, Jiangsu Taizhou is the birthplace of the great writer Liu Jingting, in order to commemorate the distinguished contribution of Liu Jingting on China’s evaluation of the story, under the specific guidance of China Qu Association, Taizhou Fengcheng River Management Committee is editing “compilation of Liu Jingting,” a book, from All the important poems and articles from the end of Ming Dynasty to the present day, authors who wrote the article by Liu Jingting, strongly support it. At present, some authors have selected the article, but we can not contact the author (some of the authors have died, hope that future generations can get in touch with us), please refer to the relevant author after this notice can contact us. So that after the publication of books to send a sample book.
主要介绍了控制变量法的作用以及控制变量法教学的策略。 This paper mainly introduces the function of control variable method and the strategy of controlling varia
A linear regression model in conjunction with cluster analysis was applied to the groundwater quality parameters for the Vaniyambadi industrial area, Tamil Nadu
In this paper, the nitration characteristic of alcohols with mixed acid for the synthesis of energetic mate-rials in a stainless steel microreactor was investig
3月15日,北京的天气,晴空万里,阳光明媚。北京西郊汽配城2007年“迎奥运、讲诚信、营造消费和谐”的3·15宣传日活动 March 15, the weather in Beijing, sunny sky, sunny.
摘要 课堂教学是实施素质教育的主阵地。无论是计算法则的得出、概念的形成,还是运算定律的性质、公式的推导,我们都可以提供给学生观察、独立思考、探索、实验的机会,让其成为我们探究的对象。好的学习动机可以让学生对所学内容产生浓厚的兴趣,实现学生自主性的探究学习。  关键词 数学教学 探究 自主学习    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
Longmen Mountain located at the boundary between the Sichuan Basin and Tibetan Plateau,representing the steepest gradient of any edges of the plateau.Three endm