桃李满园 去年暮春,我在南通抗衰老研究中心参观时,见到一位神态安祥的大夫默默地为大家号脉,轻声询问来访者。我原以为他是中心的一位普通中医,后经介绍方知,他是原南通市中医医院院长、现任抗衰老研究中心顾问的朱良春大夫。他七十有三,行医五十载。抗衰老研究中心的药膳和部分药方就是根据他的虫类
Peach and plum garden Last spring and last fall, when I visited the Anti-aging Research Center in Nantong, I saw an ambitious doctor quietly for everyone pulse, softly asked the visitors. I thought he was the center of an ordinary Chinese medicine, after the introduction Fang Fangzhi, he was former president of Nantong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the current anti-aging research center advisor Zhu Liangchun doctor. He has three seventies, practicing medicine for fifty years. Anti-Aging Research Diet and part of the prescription is based on his insects