低压管道输水灌溉是近几年在我国北方发展起来的一项节水、节能、省地、省工、具有增产效益的较为先进的灌水技术,被称作我国农田灌溉的第三次进展。它是以管道代替沟渠,将低压水流输送到田间,不仅有效地防止了渗漏和蒸发损失,而且输水速度快,彻底改变原有大水漫灌、串灌落后的灌水技术,提高灌水效率,是一项具有显著经济效益(直接经济效益和间接经济效益)和社会效益的灌水新技术。 我省是全国水资源最缺的省份之一,全省水资源约300亿立米,人均占有约1500立米,居全国第22位。耕地亩均599立米,相当于全国平均水平的30%。
Low-pressure pipe water conveyance is a water-saving, energy-saving, land-saving and labor-saving irrigation technology developed in northern China in recent years. It has been called the third progress of irrigation in our country. It is a pipeline instead of ditches, the low-pressure water flow to the field, not only effectively prevent leakage and evaporation losses, and water delivery speed, completely changed the original flood irrigation, string irrigation behind irrigation technology to improve irrigation efficiency, Is a new irrigation technology with significant economic benefits (direct economic benefits and indirect economic benefits) and social benefits. Our province is one of the provinces with the most water resources shortage in our country. The province has about 30 billion cubic meters of water resources and occupies an average of 1,500 cubic meters per capita, ranking the 22nd in the country. The average acreage of cultivated land is 599 cubic meters, equivalent to 30% of the national average.