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<正>High tide of wind power construction still continues due to incentives of the national industrial polices. Shi Pengfei, vice president of China Wind Energy
Recently, the State Environmental Protection Administration has published a name list of 46 thermal power plants which haven&#39;t started desulphurization proj
Since many CFB boilers have been put into use, there exist a number of problems urgent to be solved. Based on investigation and analysis on the operating condit
关注:移动社交网络 3G时代的到来和手机高速上网的实现,为移动社交网络带来了无限商机。凭借多年来积累的庞大用户资源,国内通信运营商也纷纷涉足SNS(社交网络)领域,中国移动的139.
美国著名市场调查机构DFC Intelligence最新的统计数据显示,全球网络游戏市场规模将继续保持快速增长,到2012年,全球网络游戏市场规模将超过130亿美元,年复合增长率保持在20%左右
<正>There have always been various arguments regarding advantages and disadvantages of development of hydroelectric power plants. Concerns and arguments from al
<正> 程代熙同志在今年四月号《上海文学》上发表了《不能如此轻率地批评恩格斯》一文,对今年一月号《上海文学》上徐俊西同志的《一个值得重新探讨的定义》一文提出批评。
<正>On July 15, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources and the State Environmental