Urban climate in the Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boycant
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Long-term climate changes related with urbanization in Tokyo, Japan, and recent temperature and heavy rainfall distribution in the Tokyo metropolitan area are reviewed. A relatively high temperature increase in annual mean temperature at the rate of 3.0°C/century was detected in Tokyo for the period 1901–2015. Some observational evidence showed the existence of both thermal and mechanical effects of urbanization on recent heavy rainfall occurrences, and modeling studies also support precipitation enhancement. Urban influences were recognized in other climatological elements, such as number of fog days, relative humidity, and wind circulation. Long-term climate changes related with urbanization in Tokyo, Japan, and recent temperature and heavy rainfall distribution in Tokyo metropolitan area are reviewed. A relatively high temperature increase in annual mean temperature at the rate of 3.0 ° C / century was detected in Tokyo for the period 1901-2015. Some observational evidence saw the existence of both thermal and mechanical effects of urbanization on recent heavy rainfall occurrences, and modeling studies also support precipitation enhancement. Urban influences were recognized in other climatological elements, such as number of fog days , relative humidity, and wind circulation
秋海棠科秋海棠属草本花卉,品种繁多,常作花坛或盆栽花卉栽培,气候适宜时可连续开花。园林用途非常广泛,为重要盆花和花坛花卉。 Begoniaceae Begonia is a herbaceous flow