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叙述了上海市仪表电子工业系统推广应用微电子技术成果的重点,有七个方面,如开发和生产了一批智能化仪器仪表,研制了一批机电一体化专用生产技术装备,开展了生产过程的在线检测和计算机监控,应用光栅数显装置、经济型数控装置和可编程序控制器,改造了一批传统金切设备,推行了计算机辅助设计与制造,提供了供电系统采用的电力负荷控制系统,以及为整机开发与生产了多种专用集成电路。实践证明:应用微电子技术,对传统产业进行现代化改造,将会产生巨大的经济效益,其投入产出比多数约为1:5,有的甚至可达1:8,效益十分明显。又展望“八五”,提出了发展微电子工业和用它来改造传统产业的指导思想与措施建议,引导企业有重点、分层次开发和推广应用微电子技术,以实现工艺上水平、产品上档次,达到提高经济效益为中心这个目标。最后论述了在推进微电子技术改造传统产业过程中,必须使微电子元器件的开发和生产,紧紧围绕新产品的发展,同时必须用微电子技术来改进工艺,提高装备水平,以实现依靠先进的生产技术,应用新一代电子元器件,不断推出一批又一批高新技术产品,来满足国民经济高速持续发展的需求和国防现代化的进程。 Describes the Shanghai instrument electronics industry system popularization and application of microelectronic technology focus, there are seven aspects, such as the development and production of a number of intelligent instrumentation, developed a number of specialized mechanical and electrical integration of production technology and equipment, carried out the production process On-line testing and computer monitoring, the application of grating digital display devices, economic NC devices and programmable logic controller, transformation of a number of traditional gold cutting equipment, the implementation of computer-aided design and manufacturing, providing the power supply system used in power load control System, as well as for the development and production of a variety of special integrated circuits. Practice has proved that the application of microelectronic technology to the modernization of traditional industries will have enormous economic benefits. The ratio of input to output is about 1: 5, and some may even reach 1: 8. The benefits are obvious. Looking forward to the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, put forward the guiding ideology and measures for developing the microelectronics industry and using it to transform the traditional industries, and guide enterprises to focus on the development and promotion of microelectronic technology at different levels in order to achieve the level of technology, products Grade, to improve economic efficiency as the center of this goal. Lastly, in the process of promoting the reform of traditional industries by microelectronic technology, we must make the development and production of microelectronic components, closely around the development of new products, at the same time, we must use microelectronic technology to improve the technology and raise the level of equipment in order to achieve reliance Advanced production technology, the application of a new generation of electronic components, has introduced batch after batch of high-tech products to meet the rapid development of the national economy and national defense modernization process.
21世纪是一个多层次、多元化的知识时代,衡量人才的标准,已经不是看一个人有多少知识,而在于其是否具有运用知识的能力和对不断变化的世界的及时反映能力,是否具有创新思维。作为新时期的教育者,我们理应从学生的终生发展出发,去组织好我们的课堂。  一、学生学习方式的转变  1.将教材中的知识体系“化难为易”。改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背的现状,创设“自觉学”“自己学”的氛围,充分调动起学生自主参
DSP芯片以其高速、实时性强等优点逐步被用到电机保护中 ,利用高性能外围器件尤其是外围存储器与DSP的硬件匹配是充分发挥其优点的必要条件。文中以基于TMS320C32高速CPU为核