
来源 :三江高教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anruixiang
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司法公正的伦理构建包括司法制度伦理构建与法官品性的德性伦理构建两个层面,或者说,司法公正的伦理构建包含两个维度,即整体的司法制度规范维度与法官的司法道德自觉维度。这两个维度体现了法官活动的本体性与价值性的统一、外在性与内在性的统一、客观性与主观性的统一。司法制度伦理优先于法官品性的德性伦理,法官品性的德性伦理高于司法制度伦理,司法制度伦理与法官品性的德性伦理相互转化。司法制度伦理与法官德性伦理相契合。加强司法制度伦理建设将为司法公正提供制度的伦理资源,加强法官品性的德性伦理建设将使司法公正的实现成为可能。 The construction of ethical justice consists of two aspects: the construction of ethics of justice system and the construction of morality ethics of judges’ character. Or, the construction of ethical justice contains two dimensions, that is, the normative dimension of judicial system and the conscious dimension of judicial ethics of judges . These two dimensions embody the unity of the noumenal and value of judges’ activities, the unification of externalities and internalities, and the unification of objectivity and subjectivity. The moral ethics of the judicial system takes precedence over the moral character of judges, the moral ethics of judges’ morality is higher than the ethics of judicial system, and the moral ethics of the ethics of judicial system and the character of judges transforms into each other. Ethics of Judicial System Accord with Ethics of Judges’ Virtue. Strengthening the ethical construction of the judicial system will provide the system ethical resources for judicial fairness and strengthening moral character ethics construction of judges’ character will make the realization of judicial fair possible.
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在人的一生中,最难战胜的是什么?就是你自己。这其中,最突出的是很难改变自己的思维模式。为了成功,我们必须也应该改变旧的思路,探寻新的成功之路。 What is the hardest t
美国前总统约翰逊的人生履历中曾经遭遇过几次偶然事件。  一次是在逃学过程中偶然遇到了无人认领的自行车的拍卖会。第一辆自行车竞拍开始,站在前面的约翰逊叫价:“两美元。”叫价持续下去,拍卖员看了一眼这个小男孩儿,他没继续应价。接下来,几辆车都拍出去了,约翰逊每次出价还是两美元,好像没有多加的打算。两美元实在太少了,在现场,每辆自行车最后的成交价都在几十美元。拍卖员感到奇怪,问他为什么不再加价,约翰逊说
A 话说三国时期刘备为国计,三顾茅庐。但他第一次拜访诸葛亮时,不知路该怎样走。 来到诸葛亮居住的一座山下,看见这里有两条路,该走哪条路呢?刘备正在思索时,发现前面有个
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