为探讨某些高危因素对新生儿听力的影响,尽早发现听力障碍,应用丹麦产Madsen Capeila耳声发射仪,对124名高危新生儿测试瞬态耳声发射(TEOAE)和畸变耳声发射(DPOAN),对其中一项不能通过者一月后复查,仍不能通过者3个月复查,如仍不能通过行OAE+脑干诱发电位(ABR)检查,明确听力障碍的原因并行干预治疗。结果显示:单耳TEOAE异常者28例次,DPOAE异常者33例次,双耳TEOAE异常者26例次,DPOAE异常者23例次。生后第一次查OAE124人,未能通过69人,生后一月复查65人,未能通过者26人;生后3个月复查,未能通过者2人,生后6个月复查,1人未通过,异常率0.8%,经ABR检查为单耳轻度听力损害。结论:(1)高危儿听力障碍的发生率为0.8%;(2)对第一次不能通过OAE的婴儿,尚不能断定为听力障碍,要定期复查和随访。(3)应对所有出生的新生儿都进行听力筛查,不能只限于高危儿。(4)对巨细胞病毒感染,生后虽OAE正常,但需进一步随访和复查。
To investigate the effect of certain risk factors on newborn hearing and to detect hearing loss as early as possible, 124 high risk neonates were tested for transient otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) and distortion otoacoustic emissions (DPOAN) using a Madsen Capeila otoacoustic transmitter from Denmark. ), One of the failed by one month after the review, still can not pass the 3-month review, such as still can not pass OAE + ABR examination, a clear understanding of the reasons for hearing impairment parallel intervention. The results showed that there were 28 cases of abnormalities of single-ear TEOAE, 33 cases of abnormal DPOAE, 26 cases of abnormal TEOAE in ears, and 23 cases of abnormal DPOAE. The first time after birth, OAE124 people were investigated, failed to pass 69, one month after birth, 65 review, failed to pass 26; 3 months after birth, failed to pass 2, 6 months after birth review , 1 failed, the abnormal rate of 0.8%, mononeurotic hearing loss by ABR examination. CONCLUSIONS: (1) The incidence of hearing-impaired children is 0.8%. (2) For infants who can not pass OAE for the first time, they can not be judged as hearing impaired and should be regularly reviewed and followed up. (3) Hearing screening should be conducted for all new born infants, which can not be confined to high risk infants. (4) For cytomegalovirus infection, though OAE normal after birth, but need further follow-up and review.