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中国金属学会轧钢学会和冶金部轧钢情报网于1987年7月22~25日在本溪联合召开了第七届全国初轧技术经验交流会,参加会议的有来自全国各初轧厂、科研、设计院所、高等院校等51个单位的120名代表,收到论文68篇。会上就2000年以前我国初轧生产技术的发展前景进行了认真讨论。代表们认为,用连铸坯代替初轧坯是轧钢技术发展的大方向,但由于我国连铸技术落后,到2000年时,仍将有大量钢锭需要经过初轧开坯,因而,初轧生产仍担负着重要角色。因此当前应当采取停建新初轧机积极改造现有初轧机与加速建设连铸机同时并举的方针。目前初轧行业实行的以降低能耗,提高成坯率,挖掘轧机生产潜力为中心的改造方向是正确的。会议决定,第八届全国初轧技术经验交流会定于1989年3季度在包钢召开。 China Society for Metals Society rolling mill and the Ministry of Metallurgical Steel Information Network in July 1987 from July 25 to 25 in Benxi jointly held the first session of the national preliminary rolling technical experience exchange meetings, attended the meeting from the country’s early rolling mill, scientific research, design Institutions, institutions of higher learning and other 51 units of 120 representatives, received 68 papers. At the meeting on 2000 before rolling production technology in the prospects for the development of a serious discussion. Delegates believe that the use of continuous casting slab instead of primary rolling is the general trend of rolling technology development, but because of backward technology in China, by the year 2000, there will still be a large number of ingots need to undergo a preliminary rolling billet, so the initial rolling production Still plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt the policy of stopping the construction of the new beginning rolling mill and actively reforming the existing initial rolling mill and accelerating the construction of the continuous casting machine simultaneously. At present, the rolling industry to implement the reduction of energy consumption, increase billet rate, tap the potential of rolling mill production as the center of the reform direction is correct. The meeting decided that the Eighth National Initial Rolling Technical Experience Exchange Conference scheduled to be held in Baotou in Q3, 1989.
收取国有资产占用费 规范“非转经”资产行为张国增,鸣迪湖北省国有资产管理局于1996年元月开始对国有非经营性资产转经营性资产实行规范管理并坚持有偿使用。在贯彻执行中,全省各
期次粼‘一’L”’一~‘一~节~引.“下一”’一‘’~”一’一诵周------一堕__乡________________.__}星 孔加工刀具 1粉末冶金法生产的高速钢钻头的寿命1 2装可转位刀片的机