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20世纪80年代以来,做为交际教学法的发展,任务型教学法在外语教学中受到广泛关注。交际教学法在对多种教学法总结、整理改进后,汇集了多种教学方法的优点,被应用到了现在外语教学中。任务型教学法对于传统的教育方式有涵盖性和创新性。外语的听力教学一直以来是比较受关注的,从学生的应用角度出发,听力能力是培养外语水平的关键点。所以在日语听力课堂上,如何让学生既掌握听力能力又在应用方面充分利用自己已经获得的目的语资源,这一点是目前外语教育的核心作用。通过交流获取多种信息,达到提高能力的目标。这就是本文主要介绍的,将任务型教学法应用到大学日语听力课堂上的方法。 Since the 1980s, as the development of communicative approach, task-based pedagogy has drawn wide attention in foreign language teaching. Communicative teaching method in a variety of teaching methods to summarize, organize improvements, brought together the advantages of a variety of teaching methods, has been applied to the present foreign language teaching. The task-based pedagogy has its coverage and innovation for the traditional education methods. Listening teaching in foreign languages ​​has always been more concerned about, from the perspective of the application of students, listening ability is the key point of training foreign language proficiency. Therefore, in the Japanese listening class, it is the core function of foreign language education that how to make students not only master the listening ability but also make full use of the target language resources that they have acquired in application. Through the exchange of access to a variety of information, to achieve the goal of improving ability. This is the main introduction of this article, the task-based pedagogy applied to college Japanese listening classes on the method.
China has launched her first ocean color satellite HY-1A on May 15,2002 since American ocean color satellite SeaSTAR was on the orbit in 1997.First,the propert
通过X射线衍射分析、金相分析和力学性能测试对大尺寸ZK60镁合金挤压型材的微观组织、织构取向和室温力学性能进行系统研究。结果显示,挤压态ZK60镁合金中主要由α-Mg和Mg Zn
20 0 1年 1 2月 7日在范登堡美国BBC基地 ,将人造地球卫星“Jason(伊阿宋 )”号发射到高度为 1 3 3 6km的轨道上。在观测世界海洋状况的宇宙仪器中 ,该卫星装备了最先进的仪
利用传统的熔铸法制备Mg-14.28Gd-2.44Zn-0.54Zr合金,研究铸态和固溶态合金的微结构。利用销-盘装置研究铸态和固溶态合金的室温润滑滑动摩擦磨损行为研究。在外载荷为40 N,
El Nino and La Nina are the events concerned internationally. The corresponding relationship between El Nino events, temperature, precipitation and