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常遇年轻的京剧爱好者问:“你凭良心说:尚小云和关肃霜究竟谁的艺术水平高?……”粗看,这个间题提得近于荒唐,犹如间唐人韩干和近人徐悲鸿究竟谁的马画得好一样。可是,如果我们正视着京剧的现实深思一下,那么八你会从这荒唐的提问中,听到历史的脚步声。才人代出,风骚各擅。京剧大师们的业绩足以彪炳于艺术史册,但是,京剧艺术的长河,却不因他们的消失而不再奔流。在新的历史条件下,京剧新的风姿,新的英才,理所当然地会在新的高度上展现出来。可惜,我们的评论界总习惯于扭过头去回顾既往,缅怀逝者,临风歇鳅,而吝于把彩笔对准新一代的风流人物。偶见几篇论及的,也是笔锋藏掖,舌卷入喉,很少酣畅淋漓地喝采。京剧的鼎盛,并不从“四大名旦”始,在他们之前,就有所谓“同(治)光(绪)十三绝”。然而“绝”了没有呢?历史对它开了个小玩笑:以梅兰芳为首的一批“后生晚辈”,还在风华正茂之际,就披荆斩棘,独树新帜,很快把“十三绝”比得黯然失色,连当时的“伶界大王”谭鑫培也自叹弗如。京剧艺术由此跨入一个新的历史时期。事实上,京剧艺术从新中国诞生后,由于党的扶持,专家们的协助,专业戏曲作家队伍的形成,年轻演员得到空前良好的文化及专业教养,特别是各种现代艺术的引进,给他们打开了空前广阔的艺术视野,因此,无论从剧本、音乐、舞蹈、服装、舞美等方面,都取得了不容抹煞的突破。 Often the young Beijing opera enthusiasts asked: “You conscience said: Shang Xiaoyun and Kwan Suk who exactly the art of high level? ...” Looks rough, this issue can be mentioned as absurd, as between the Tang and Han and Ganren Xu Beihong exactly who painted well. However, if we look squarely at the reality of Peking opera, then you will hear the footsteps of history from this ridiculous question. Talented generation, coquettish. The performance of Beijing opera masters is enough to show their influence in the history of art. However, the long history of Beijing opera does not stop flowing because of their disappearance. Under the new historical conditions, the new grace and new talent of the Beijing Opera will, of course, be displayed on a new height. It is a pity that our commentators are always accustomed to turning their heads to reviewing their past, remembering the dead and loving themselves while they are stingy with their crayons at the new generation of romantic characters. Occasionally a few articles to discuss, but also to write Feng Ye, Tong Juan into the throat, rarely hearty applause. Peking Opera’s heyday, not from the “Four Famous New Year’s Day”, before them, there is the so-called “(governance) Light Thirteen”. However, “Absolute” did not? History made a joke about it: a group of “descendants” headed by Mei Lanfang still clinging to the clutter, San Jue “than had eclipsed, even the then” King of the world "Tan Xinpei also sighed. Beijing Opera art thus entered a new historical period. In fact, since the birth of new China, Peking Opera has been given unprecedented cultural and professional rewards due to the support of the Party, the assistance of experts and the formation of professional opera writers. In particular, the introduction of various modern art opens them to the public The unprecedented broad artistic vision, therefore, no matter from the script, music, dance, costumes, dance and other aspects, have made undeniable breakthrough.
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