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他一出生就只有半截身体,上学时,他身上装着6公斤的假肢和一截假体。可母亲没有嫌弃他,一样地疼他、爱他。在日常的生活中,母亲用她浓浓的爱,耐心地教他做一切力所能及的事。一遍不行,两遍;两遍不行,三遍……长大后的他,经常坐着轮椅帮母亲做事,洗车、除草、为陌生人带路。从母亲鼓励、赞许的微笑中,从邻居、路人那真诚的感谢中,他 When he was born, he had only half a body. At school, he was fitted with 6 kg of prostheses and a section of prosthesis. But his mother did not despise him, as to hurt him, love him. In her daily life, the mother used her deep love to patiently teach him everything she could. Not again, twice; not twice, three times ... ... grew up, he often used to help the mother in a wheelchair, car wash, weeding, for strangers to lead the way. From the encouragement of his mother, the smile of praise, from the neighbors, passers-by that sincere thanks to him
目的评估利卡汀联合经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)治疗不可切除肝癌的不良反应。方法 114例不可切除肝癌患者接受利卡汀联合TACE治疗。利卡汀经肝动脉注射剂量为27.75MBq(0.75m
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一、上帝规定一星期有七天,如果能增加星期的天数,你最想增加的是星期几? A.星期一 B.星期三 C.星期五 D.星期曰 对号入座: 如果你选择大多数上班族都头痛的BLUEMONDAY(星期一
KB500 X光机是西南医用设备厂的主力产品, 该机一般配置都是双床三球管,功能比较完善,但有些设计不尽合理,常出现高压交换闸动片断裂故障。该机台次选择是由不同高压继电器吸合来