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生活案例老王退休以前是某机关的领导,平时接触的人很多,在他手下工作的人员就有几百个。老王性格耿直,社交圈子很广,因公应酬,杯觥交错,常常很晚才回家。老伴起先有点怨言,但是后来也习惯了,更何况,丈夫是一心一意为工作,也一心一意为了这个家,所以生活中,老伴除了对老王更多了一份体贴照顾,也就别无他话了。至于家里的一儿一女,老王并不是故意冷落孩子们,而是那么多年自己工作在这个岗位上,没有太多的时间和孩子们沟通。子女们和母亲倒是很亲的,因为这种家庭关系必然是同时间、情感相关联的,所以,老王也无话可说。一生廉洁奉公的老王退休后每月领着一份退休金,除了自己住的这套三居室的房子再也没有其他财产了。女儿已经成家,儿子结婚了还没有新房,就只好先与他们老两口住在了一起。说实话,在此以前老王家的父子关系虽然是冷冷淡淡的,但是还好,最起码日子过得平平安安。可现在不同了,老王退休后社交圈子自然 Life case Pharaoh retired in the past is the leadership of an organ, usually a lot of people in contact, there are hundreds of people working under him. Pharaoh upright character, social circle is very wide, due to public entertainment, staggered cup, often very late to go home. At first, my wife complained a bit, but I got used to it. What’s more, my husband is dedicated to work and wholeheartedly for this home. Therefore, my husband has no more talk of caring than Pharaoh in his life . As for the family of one child, Pharaoh did not deliberately neglect the children, but so many years to work in this position, not too much time to communicate with the children. Children and mothers are very pro, because this family relationship must be at the same time, emotionally related, so Pharaoh also have nothing to say. Pharaoh, a man of his life, takes a monthly pension after retirement, with no other property except for the three-bedroom house he lives in. Daughter has a married family, married son had no new home, had no choice but to live with their husband and wife together. To be honest, before this, although the relationship between the father and son of the old royal family is faint, but fortunately, at least the best of farewell. But now different, Pharaoh retired social circle of nature
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