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世界上也许从来没有不缺钱的政府,不论经济社会如何发展,财政收入如何增长,支出缺口似乎总是如影随形,一方面地方财源建设的呼声总是不断,另一方面是转移支付需求不足的呼声持续高涨。为了弥补支出缺口,不论是作为“财务主管”的财政部门还是各级政府都在想尽办法增加资金来源,即是经济意义上的负债。财政部部长楼继伟在中国高层发展论坛上就公开表示,财政部正在部署有关地方债的调研,先以审计署统计的约11万亿元债务为基础,区分出显性、隐性、直接以及或有债务并分析风险,分门别类采取政策,制止住地方政府债务扩张的趋势。这似乎意味着国家可能要对各方忧虑已久的地方债务“出手”了。 The government in the world may never have no shortage of money. No matter how the economy and society develop, how the fiscal revenue will grow and the expenditure gap always seems to go hand in hand. On the one hand, there will always be a constant call for the construction of local financial resources. On the other hand, the demand for insufficient transfer payment Continued to rise. In order to make up for the expenditure gap, both the financial department as the “treasurer” and the governments at all levels are trying every means to increase their sources of funding, namely, economic liabilities. Lou Jiwei, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, publicly stated at the China Forum on High-level Development that the Ministry of Finance is investigating the deployment of local government debts. Based on the estimated 11 trillion yuan of debt audited by the Department of Auditors, the division distinguishes between dominant, implicit and direct As well as contingent liabilities and analysis of risks, adopt policies in different categories to stop the trend of expanding the debt of local governments. This seems to imply that the state may have to “get rid” of the local debt that has long been a matter of concern for all.
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