(一) 流沙与清泉往往是难以同地共存的自然景物,但我们在敦煌却看到了奇异的沙山和美妙的泉水奇特地结合在一起,成为别树一帜的中外游览胜景,这就是著名的鸣沙山与月牙泉。傍晚,我们来到鸣沙山脚下,金黄色的沙山,璀璨的晚霞,飞天一般的云朵,还有快要躲到沙山背后的太阳构成一幅奇丽的图画。我们欣喜若狂,迫不及待地滚倒在沙子上。细细的沙子是那样柔软,躺在上面真舒服极了,我们都不禁想美美地睡上一觉。这时,从沙丘的那边隐隐传来清脆的驼铃声,接着,一行骆驼便出现在沙丘上。我们是
(A) quicksand and spring is often difficult to co-exist with the natural scenery, but we saw in Dunhuang strange mountain sand and wonderful springs unique combination of exotic Chinese and foreign attractions, which is famous Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring. In the evening, we came to the bottom of the Mingsha Shan, golden sand hills, bright sunset, flying clouds, and the sun is about to hide behind the sand constitute a wonderful picture. We are ecstatic, can not wait to roll over the sand. Slim sand is so soft, lying on top really comfortable, we can not help but think of the United States and the United States to sleep. At this moment, the crisp camel ring was heard faintly from the sand dune, followed by a camel’s presence on the sand dune. We are