推进两个根本性转变 开创经营管理工作新局面

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“八五”时期经营工作的回顾 一、经营管理工作的基本情况 “八五”期间,是云南电力工业加快改革与发展的重要时期。在电力部和省委、省政府的领导下,我们坚持解放思想,转变观念,抓住机遇,开拓创新,取得了较好的成绩,全局(公司)经营工作发生了十分深刻的变化:1.“八五”期间,我们抓住集资办电的大好机遇,使云南电力工业跨上了大机组、大电厂、大电网、超高压的新阶段。同时,在资源开发和市场开发相结合中,迈出了“西电东送”的战略步伐。2.坚持以深化改革促进发展,走出了多元化集资办电的路子。3.转变观念加快资本金制度改革,促进云南电力改革发展。4.三项制度改革取得了阶段性成果。5.电力企业经营环境有所改善,电价改革取 Review of Operation during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” I. Basic Information on Management and Management During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, it was an important period for Yunnan’s power industry to accelerate its reform and development. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Electric Power, the Provincial Party Committee, and the provincial government, we persisted in emancipating our minds, changing our concepts, seizing opportunities, and blazing new trails. We have achieved good results, and the overall (company) management has undergone profound changes: 1. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, we seized the great opportunity of the fund-raising office to make Yunnan’s power industry step into a new stage of large-scale generating units, large power plants, large power grids, and ultra-high pressure. At the same time, in the combination of resource development and market development, it has taken a strategic step of “transmitting electricity from the west to the east”. 2. Insist on deepening reforms to promote development, and walk out of the diversification fund raising office. 3. Change ideas Speed ​​up the reform of the capital system and promote the development of Yunnan’s power industry. 4. The three system reforms have achieved phased results. 5. The operating environment of power companies has improved, and electricity prices have been reformed.
一、会议的基本情况 这次会议是我局第一次专题研究、全面部署双文明建设工作的会议。党组对这次会议非常重视。一个多月来认真地进行会议的筹备,朱局长亲自抓会议的准备工
一盛 -j0 j■0鬻惩鬻黼圈圜隰圜■.侯其福(左二)、夏文锋(左三)三位副厂长向舞公司张永林副总经理(右一)介绍生产情况。南国水泥明珠$广东省云浮水泥厂 Yi Sheng-j0 j 鬻
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1.段组长在处长、车间主任的领导下,全面负责本段组的管理工作。 2.段组长抓好本段组、段委会内部管理,机构健全,分工明确,定期开会,创造一个管理严格、纪律严明、民主、团