Modeling simulation and experiment of micro-Doppler signature of precession

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq182894393
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Spatial precession is a special micro-motion of the spinning-directional target,and the micro-Doppler signature of the cone-shaped target with precession is studied.The micro-motion model of precession is built first,and then the micro-Doppler model is developed based on the proposed concept of micro-motion matrix,by which the theoretical formula of micro-Doppler signature of precession is derived.In order to further approach to the actual case,the occlusion effect is firstly considered in micro-Doppler,and the simulated result with occlusion effect is well in accordance with the measured result in microwave anechoic chamber,which suggests that the micro-motion model and micro-Doppler model of precession are both valid. Spatial precession is a special micro-motion of the spinning-directional target, and the micro-Doppler signature of the cone-shaped target with precession is studied. The micro-motion model of precession is built first, and then the micro-Doppler model is developed based on the proposed concept of micro-motion matrix, by which the theoretical formula of micro-Doppler signature of precession is derived. order to further approach to the actual case, the occlusion effect is first considered in micro-Doppler, and the simulated result with occlusion effect is well in accordance with the measured result in microwave anechoic chamber, which suggests that the micro-motion model and micro-Doppler model of precession are both valid.
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