
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tnnd3
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目的分析拟诊莱姆病患者血清学检查结果,明确莱姆病临床病症及区域分布情况,为有效诊治莱姆病提供科学依据。方法应用间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)和ELISA方法,对来自全国各地的临床拟诊莱姆病患者进行血清抗伯氏疏螺旋体IgM和IgG抗体检查,并结合临床疾患进行综合分析。结果2007-2008年共检查临床拟诊莱姆病患者105例,血清呈阳性反应者16例,阳性率15.24%。其中神经系统患者44例,阳性4例;心血管系统患者5例,阳性1例;皮肤病变25例,阳性6例;发热患者10例,阳性1例;关节痛14例,阳性2例;精神障碍疾患7例,阳性2例。16例患者应用抗生素治疗后有效率达87.50%。16例莱姆病患者分布在9个省(直辖市、自治区),确诊病例以黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古地区较多。结论我国人群确实存在莱姆病螺旋体散发感染,通过血清学检查能及早发现病例,提高诊疗效率。 Objective To analyze the serological results of patients with Lyme disease to ascertain the clinical symptoms and regional distribution of Lyme disease and provide a scientific basis for the effective diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. Methods Serum samples of anti-Borrelia burgdorferi and IgM were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and ELISA assay in patients with clinically suspected Lyme disease from all over the country. The results were analyzed comprehensively with clinical data. Results A total of 105 clinically suspected Lyme disease patients were examined in 2007-2008, and 16 cases were positive for serum sera. The positive rate was 15.24%. Among them, 44 were neurological patients, 4 were positive, 5 were cardiovascular patients, 1 was positive, 25 were skin lesions, 6 were positive, 10 were fever, 1 was positive, 14 were joint pain and 2 were positive. 7 cases of disorders, positive in 2 cases. 16 cases of patients treated with antibiotics effective rate of 87.50%. 16 cases of Lyme disease are located in 9 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), confirmed cases to Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia more. Conclusions There is indeed a sporadic infection of Borrelia burgdorferi in Chinese population. Serological tests can detect cases early and improve diagnosis and treatment efficiency.
(1983年《物理》编辑委员会全体会议通过) 《物理》是物理学方面的综合性刊物.本刊的读者对象是具有大学文化水平,在科研单位、学校、工厂等从事物理学研究、教学、技术实践
5月19日晴  俗语曾日:民以食为天,柴米酱醋盐。可见一日三餐谁都不能离。所以“吃”便是最重要的,也是最为璀璨的文化。  说起“吃”来,中国在世界上是首屈一指的,绝对能“吃”的国家。洛阳水席天下无双,兰州拉面也是别具一格,四川火锅同樣是名满天下。一个记录类节目《舌尖上的中国》记录了中国“吃”的文化,很是有趣=它把中国的“吃”文化展现得淋漓尽致。  中华的“吃”文化如此繁盛,而我们学校的食堂也是颇具
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