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说起来,和您的第一次相识,真有些误打误撞的意味。就像个贪吃又冒失的孩子,突然闯入了琳琅满目的糕点房,还打翻了糕点师傅的大面盆。那时候,我刚进魅丽,带着一个初出茅庐的小编,便觉得有了自己的团队,凭着一腔天不怕地不怕的热血,信誓旦旦地想做一本新杂志。年轻气盛的缘故,我在您的总经理办公室,一口气便向您夸下海口。您并没有用您那多年的编辑经验来反驳我这些不切实际的想法。您只是一直安静地听我 Speaking, and your first acquaintance, really some mistaken meaning. Like a gluttonous and rude child, suddenly broke into the assortment of pastry rooms, but also knocked over the pastry chef’s large basin. At that time, I just entered the charm of Mary, with a fledgling Xiaobian, they feel with their own team, with a fearless blood, vowed to make a new magazine. Young and prosperous sake, I am in your general manager’s office, in one breath you will boast of the sea. You did not use your years of editorial experience to refute my unrealistic ideas. You just listen to me all the time
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新年试笔  钟秀凤  卜算子   丽日又东风,喜爆迎新岁。万紫千红总是春,同饮屠苏醉。   崛起我神州,谁道雄狮睡。实干兴邦莫空谈,挥笔山河绘。  清平乐  莺歌燕舞,梅柳春江渡。喜国昌隆家裕富,个个生龙活虎。  梦圆兴国宏规,党群团结心齐。航母横空出世,神州大振声威。  致谢胡军生同志  赵振声  一  甚感知我是军生,关怀备至胜亲人。  外出考察和家访,总是时扶老病身。  二  平时关切感家访
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