New national standard for textile products to be implemented in August

来源 :China’s foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beckyccjj
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   The new “National Security Technique Standard for Textile Products” will be implemented in August 1 this year. Compared with the old version, the new standard has covered a wider age group of the textile products for babies. The products manufactured by original standard for 2-3 year old babies will be taken down off the shelf after August.
  Such a new standard will bring heavy impacts on the baby textile products, whose definition with change from“textile products worn or used by babies under the age of 24 months” to “textile products worn or used by babies under the age of 36 months”.
  The new standard stipulates that if the indexes such as formaldehyde content, ph value and smell accord with A class value, the garment could be used by babies; if they accord with B class value, the garment could be worn next to skin; if they reach C class value, the product could be worn.
   The implementation of the new standard has made many parents relieved when choosing the baby clothes in the market. Regulations on the age group and inspection standards have become clearer. Also, the new standard has been compulsory that all manufacturers shall follow, otherwise their products will be prohibited for sale. It is suggested to choose the garment products produced by formal companies, especially the baby clothes.
<正>Expo 2010 Shanghai makes Shanghai a world focus once again.On the 30-day countdown to the opening ceremony, Yu Zhengsheng,member of Political Bureau of CPC
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