A Physarum-inspired approach to supply chain network design

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiwei5520
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A supply chain is a system which moves products from a supplier to customers, which plays a very important role in all economic activities. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for a supply chain network design inspired by biological principles of nutrients’ distribution in protoplasmic networks of slime mould Physarum polycephalum. The algorithm handles supply networks where capacity investments and product flows are decision variables, and the networks are required to satisfy product demands. Two features of the slime mould are adopted in our algorithm. The first is the continuity of flux during the iterative process, which is used in real-time updating of the costs associated with the supply links. The second feature is adaptivity. The supply chain can converge to an equilibrium state when costs are changed. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the practicality and flexibility of the proposed method algorithm. A supply chain is a system which moves a very important role in all economic activities. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for a supply chain network design inspired by biological principles of nutrients’ distribution in protoplasmic networks of The algorithm handles supply networks where capacity investments and product flows are decision variables, and the networks are required to satisfy product demands. Two features of the slime mold are adopted in our algorithm. The first is the continuity of flux during the iterative process, which is used in real-time updating of the costs associated with the supply links. The supply chain can converge to an equilibrium state when costs are changed. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the practicality and flexibility of the proposed method algorithm
用该方法取断螺栓,省时、省力,省钱,简便,一学就会。 取断螺栓的方法是:用电焊把断入螺孔内的螺栓堆焊出螺孔端面,再找一硬铁条,焊在堆出来的铁柱上,做为力臂,即可把断入孔
《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》第五十条规定:“超车前,须开左转向灯、鸣喇叭(禁止鸣喇叭的区域、路段除外,夜间改用变换远近光灯)……在 Article 50 of the “Regula
摘 要:随着课程改革的进一步深入,“活动单导学”教学模式必将被越来越多的教师重视和接纳。作为教师,必须不断更新观念和教法,要作精心的个性化的备课,要注重活动环节的开展,同时对课堂中可能会出现的情况要有一定的预见性。关键词:侧耳倾听; 对立统一; 学习方法; 课程改革; 笔记本中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2011)9-053-001时下盐都区正推行一种全新的教