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一个偶然的机会,记者在一次影展上看到了这些老照片。“菜地里学毛选这一张,是在华清池门前的一块菜地里拍的,东尧生产队的社员刚刚收完菜,一人拿一本语录,正在念呢。”201 3年1 2月9日,78岁的任永健指着一张拍摄于上世纪70年代的老照片对记者说。拍这张照片时,任永健是陕西省临潼县文化馆负责摄影的年轻干事,他每天背着相机到处拍照。“那时候毛主席语录都在口袋里装着呢,人人都学毛选。”他说。1 985年以前,整个临潼县就任永健一个照相的,县上有个啥事,都叫他去拍照,因而几乎经历了全县几十年间发生的所有重大事件。任永健第一次接触相机是在1 959年,那是一台德国产的禄莱福莱摇把相机。他边干边学,渐渐掌握了摄影技术。1 964年,临潼县社教运动开始了,任永健成了社教队的一员。后来,县上筹建阶级教育展览馆,从社教队抽调了一些有特长的人员,写字的,画画的, By chance, the reporter saw these old photos at an exhibition. “This is a field in the hair learn this one, in Huaqingchi in front of a piece of vegetable field shot, Dong Yao production team members just finished cooking, one with a quotation, is reading it.” 201 3 years On February 9, 78-year-old Ren Yongjian told reporters pointing at an old photograph taken in the 1970s. When making this photo, Ren Yongjian was a young officer in charge of photography at the Lintong County Cultural Center in Shaanxi Province. Every day he took a camera and took pictures everywhere. “At that time, Chairman Mao’s Quotations were all in their pockets, and everyone had a haircut.” "He said. Before 1985, the entire Lintong County took up a photograph of Yongjian County, and what happened on the county called him to take pictures and thus experienced almost all the major events that took place in the county for several decades. Ren Yongjian first came into contact with the camera in 1959, it was a German-made Rollei Folay shake camera. He learned by doing, and gradually mastered photography. In 1964, Lintong County’s social education movement began. Ren Yongjian became a member of the social education team. Later, the county preparatory class education exhibition hall, drawn from the social education team has some talents, writing, drawing,
坦克发动机燃油经济性和燃料储备行程、参战坦克的燃料保障、坦克部队燃料供给运输线和油料生产厂的运输线被摧毁——这些问题是第二次世界大战参战各国军事家每天都焦虑 Ta