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1 试卷分析1.1 知识覆盖面广试卷内容全面覆盖了《考试说明》中《知识内容表》的20个部分,对中学物理的主体内容都做了考查.1.2题型、题量稳中有变试卷仍保持往年的题型,有单解选择题、多解选择题、填空题(包括实验题)、计算题几大类.但单解选择题由去年的8题减为5题,多解选择题由去年的6题增为9题.这样的变动更有利于考查考生对知识掌握的真实情况,减少考生在不憧的情况下猜对答案的机会. 1 Test Paper Analysis 1.1 Knowledge coverage A wide range of test papers covers the 20 parts of the “List of Knowledge Contents” in the “Exam Description”, and the subject content of the middle school physics has been examined. 1.2 Question Types Maintain the questions of previous years, including single-solution multiple-choice questions, multiple-solution multiple-choice questions, blank-fill questions (including experimental questions), and calculation questions. However, single-solution multiple-choice questions were reduced from last year’s 8 questions to 5 questions. From last year’s 6 questions to 9 questions. This change is more conducive to the examination of candidates for knowledge of the true situation, to reduce the candidates in the case of unreasonable guess the opportunity to answer.
Studies on food supply values,the basis of eco-service values,and their factors of different pond aquaculture ecosystems are helpful to explain the influences o
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一、知识要点 1.本章必须掌握的知识要点 (1)人口的增长与分布 ①人口的增长。人口的发展受社会政治、经济的制约.同时它又对社会发展起促进或延缓的作用。 世界人口的增长: