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一九七几年,海拔三千四百零二公尺的排云山庄,大雪霏霏。大雪下很久了,积了十余公分,山庄屋顶被雪压得微微发响,远处山谷传来树枝被雪压断的声音。这个清晨的世界,唯有向南而未堆雪处残留了事物原貌。这时候老介被叫醒,离开三层的保暖厚毯,他猛打喷嚏。老介是山庄的庄主,滇缅老兵, In 1977, the volcano Villa at 3,442 meters above sea level started falling snow. Under the heavy snow for a long time, the plot of more than ten centimeters, the roof of the village was slightly snow pressure, the distant valley heard the voice of the tree was cut off by the snow. This morning world, the only thing that remains to the south but not to the snow remains the same. At this time old intermediary was awakened, left the three-story warm blanket, he slammed. Lao Tzu is Villa owner, Burma veterans,
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行政诉讼法施行20年,让“民告官”从最初的“新鲜事”发展到现在的“平常事”。然而,行政诉讼至今仍没有成为民众解决权利与权力冲突的首要选择与最终渠道。 The Administra
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一  这座祠的顶已在我的视线之上,我要仰望才能看见赭色的屋顶以及它的牌楼,它仿佛隐在天穹,是一定要借助仰视的目光才能与它的气息相通。这个高于我目光之上的祠,叫屈子祠,是唯一可以凭吊屈原的所在。从汨罗江堤一路追寻过来,其实有两条道可以抵达,一条是从玉笥山的半山腰,这条路几乎高于这座祠,我想,这样的抵达是对这位三闾大夫的不恭与不敬;另一条道则沿着蜿蜒的汨罗江走一程,听听汨罗江千年的呜咽,再来到玉笥山的
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