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百年来,中国从事篮球运动的实践与理论研究者为我国篮球运动的发展做出了非常积极的贡献。他们不仅从事篮球的一线教育教学和竞赛,而且进行大量的研究还有实践,然而与世界先进水平相比,我国篮球水平需要走的路很长,尤其是青少年,因其独特的特点,其训练水平有待更进一步的提高。本文通过对北京市俱乐部、业余体校以及篮球传统校青少年篮球训练的研究,为青少年篮球训练的现状进行分析,为青少年篮球整体水平的提高为有关部门提供有针对性的参考。本研究采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、逻辑推理与判断法、专家访谈法等研究方法。结论显示:目前北京市青少年运动员选材满意度一般。运动员参训缺少动机,一般是为了升学加分。参训次数少以及教练员系统化训练程度不高。 For centuries, the practice and theoretical researchers engaged in basketball in China have made a very positive contribution to the development of basketball in China. They not only engage in first-line basketball teaching and competition, but also conduct a lot of research and practice, but compared with the advanced world level, our basketball level needs to go a long way, especially for young people, because of its unique characteristics, its training The level needs to be further improved. Based on the research of the basketball training of Beijing clubs, amateur sports schools and traditional basketball schools, this paper analyzes the status quo of the youth basketball training and provides the relevant departments with a targeted reference for the improvement of the overall level of the youth basketball. This research adopts the research methods such as questionnaire, literature review, logical reasoning and judgment, expert interview. The conclusion shows that: At present, the selection of young athletes in Beijing is generally satisfactory. Athletes participate in the training lack of motivation, generally in order to go to school plus points. Less attendance training and coaching systematic training is not high.
5岁的孩子在3个月之内,学会了2000个汉字。在这个望子成龙,望女成凤的教育投资时代,超启的教学方法将会掘出多大的财富空间呢? 5-year-old children learned 2,000 Chinese
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日 期   会议名称 举办地点 主办者/联系网址1.19核燃料供应研讨会美国华盛顿NEI(fae@nei.org)1.30~2.2保健物理学会第33次年中会议美国弗吉尼亚HPS(hps@burkinc.com)2.
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1 999年 9月2 3日报道】 中国台湾省核管理局宣布 ,因地震关机的 3台核动力堆机组已被批准尽可能快地恢复运行 ,至少有 1台机组已恢复运行。台湾