半个多世纪前,抗战的烽火燃遍中华大地,冼星海创作了《黄河大合唱》,激励着无数中华儿女走上抗日战场。冼星海当年的学生严良堃便是伴着“黄河”的歌声,成长起来的中国著名指挥家。冼星海谆谆告诫严良堃“音乐比其他艺术更能够直接地感动人,指挥者、表演者必须要有感情,才能打动人。”直至今日,严良堃仍记忆犹新,他感慨地说:“这是星海教我的最重要的一点。” 1940年,年仅17岁的严良堃在重庆首次指挥了《黄河大合唱》,这也是《黄河》在重庆的首场演出,受到观众的热烈欢迎。 1946年,为纪念冼星海逝世一周年,在重庆的江苏同乡会馆举行了纪念音乐会。八路军驻重庆办事处的周恩来、董必武、叶剑英、邓颖超及爱国民主人士郭
More than half a century ago, the beacon of war of resistance spread all over China, and Xian Xinghai created The Yellow River Chorus, inspiring countless Chinese children to embark on the anti-Japanese battlefield. Xian Xinghai was a student of the year Yan Liangkun is accompanied by the “Yellow River” song, grew up famous Chinese conductor. Xian Xinghai 谆 谆 warned Yan Liangkun “music is more than any other art can directly affect people, commanders, performers must have feelings in order to impress people.” Until now, Yan Liang Kun still freshly remember, he said with emotion: “This is Xinghai Teach me the most important point. ”In 1940, only 17-year-old Yan Liang Kun in Chongqing for the first time directed the“ Yellow River Chorus ”, which is the“ Yellow River ”in Chongqing’s first performance, by the audience a warm welcome. In 1946, in commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of Xian Xinghai, a commemorative concert was held in the Jiangsu Native Association Hall in Chongqing. Eighth Route Army in Chongqing Office Zhou Enlai, Dong Biwu, Ye Jianying, Deng Yingchao and patriotic democrats Guo