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在信阳市的浉河之滨,贤山脚下,有一座造型朴素典雅的白色楼房坐落在万绿丛中,楼房四周绿树掩映,万木争荣,门前院内奇花异草,争辉斗艳。在这儿只见高山流水,鸟语花香,没有那尘世的喧嚣,真是一个修身养性,潜心治学的“世外桃源”。这里,就是信阳地区林业科学研究所。林科所建于一九七八年,只有短短的十年历史。全所干部职工有五十九人,参加课题研究的科技人员也只有二十七人。就是这样一个历史不长,人员不多的小科研单位,近两年来在林业科技战线上忽然名声大噪,不仅省、区有关领导部门的负责人经常光顾,就连兄弟地市,甚至中南、华北等省区的林业科技人员也都纷纷上门。究其原因,固然与信阳地区所处的南北植被过渡带的地理、气候特点有关,但更重要的是该所科研人员在科学研究中 In Xinyang City, the banks of the Tan River, at the foot of Mount Yin, there is a simple and elegant white buildings are located in the greenery, buildings surrounded by trees, 10,000 trees glory, front yard strange flowers, Yan. Here I saw the mountains and rivers, flowers, there is no earthly noise, really a self-cultivation, painstaking study of “paradise.” Here, is the Xinyang Forestry Research Institute. Linke was built in 1978, only a short decade of history. There are 59 cadres and workers in the whole department and only 27 technicians in the research projects. It is such a small scientific research unit with a short history and a small staff. In the recent two years, there has been a sudden fame on the forestry science and technology front. Not only the heads of departments concerned in the provinces and autonomous regions have frequented the cities of brothers and even the central and southern provinces, Forestry science and technology personnel in North China and other provinces also came home. The reason is not only related to the geographical and climatic characteristics of the northern and southern vegetation transitional zone in Xinyang, but more importantly, the scientific researchers
名誉理事长: 杨 明 省人大常委会副主任 王统曾 省人民政府秘书长顾问: 吏 烽 严。实 孙钟秀 刘凤五理事长:。 李汝忠副理事长: 杨中一 杨集龙秘书长? 肖永福副秘书长: 何开
本文介绍了在普通高校物理实验室现有条件下,实验人员自己动手,修旧利废自制成密立根油滴实验仪的原理、结构、特点以及它所达到的精度。 This article describes the princ
2009年5月,当沐浴在晨光中,蚕豆田里散发着一阵阵清香,我驾驶着一部北京2020吉普从昆明到下关,沿着洱海西岸边的田耕道蜿蜒地往北踏勘。苍山在左,洱海在右,想象着湖面点点白色风帆,仿佛回到千百年前,心中充满着憧憬。  南亚上空的西南季风,摄引来印度洋上水气充沛的暖湿气流,从孟加拉湾越过缅甸大陆进入云南,循怒江、澜沧江北上,再沿西洱河谷从苍山南端的河口吹向洱海,驱散炎热的天气。秀丽的自然景色,未被
从案例分析当前美术教育评价存在的问题,提出个性化艺术教育评价的实践方法。 From the case analysis of the current problems in the evaluation of art education, put