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  假定你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:
  1. 确定框架结构,明确每段写作内容
  2. 围绕写作提纲,适当增加细节
  3. 连句成段,首尾呼应
  Dear Peter,
  Thank you for your letter. I am delighted to know you are interested in physical activities in our school. I am writing to share them with you in details.
  Our school has a stadium built two years ago, which is large enough for us to play all kinds of sports, such as walking, running, jumping and various ball games. We usually have two PE classes every week, when we are taught how to play basketball, volleyball and badminton. Among the popular sports, basketball is what I like most. I always play it with my friends at weekends. Not only does it make me relaxed, I also learn how to cooperate with others.   Can you tell me what your favorite sport is? Looking forward to your early reply.
  Li Hua
  4. 背诵高分范文,积累好词好句
  Dear Terry,
  I am delighted to know that you have been invited to a Chinese dinner party next week. I’m writing to offer you some information.
  Firstly, you should arrive before the appointed time because it is good manners to be punctual in China. Secondly, it is a good idea to bring a small gift for your friend, such as an English novel or a popular magazine, which will surely strengthen your friendship. More importantly, you’d better learn how to use chopsticks in advance so that you can eat what you like at the dinner party.
  If you follow my advice, you are sure to have a great time.
  Li Hua
  I am delighted to know that...我非常高兴得知……
  It is good manners to do sth. 做某事是礼貌的
  It is a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好主意
  You’d better do sth.你最好做某事。
  If you ..., you will have a great time. 如果你……,你会很开心的
  be invited to受邀去……
  offer sb. sth. 给某人某物
  the appointed time预定时间
  more importantly更重要的是
  in advance提前
  Dear Terry,
  I am delighted to know you have been invited to a Chinese friend’s wedding ceremony, which is a good opportunity to experience Chinese cultures. I’d like to offer you some information.
  Firstly, you should arrive before the appointed time because it is good manners to be punctual in China. Secondly, it is a good idea to bring a nice gift for your friend, such as a red envelop with cash or something your friend needs badly, which will surely strengthen your friendship. More importantly, you’d better wear formal clothes because it is impolite to wear casual clothes on such an important occasion.
  If you follow my advice, you are sure to have a great time.
  Li Hua
  在过去五年的高考试题中,英语书面表达以考查书信(邮件)为主,其他体裁也有涉及。例如2018年全国卷Ⅱ的书面表达是让考生写一则英语通知。因此,我们应把备考的重点放在练习写应用文上,同时兼顾其他文体。重点训练的应用文应包括告知信、邀请信、建议信、申请信(推荐信)、感谢信、求助信、咨询信、投诉信、慰问信、约稿信、道歉信等。此外,还应兼顾日记、议论文、图表作文和看图写作等低频作文。   1. 限时写作,提高写作技能
  生词提示:民俗表演folklore performances
  Dear Mark,
  The Dragon Boat Festival is drawing near. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. A series of activities will be held in my school next week. I’m writing to invite you to attend them.
  First, you can learn how to make Zongzi and then enjoy them in the school canteen on Friday afternoon. Second, you can watch dragon boat races to be held in the lake on Sunday morning. Besides, there will be folklore performances on Sunday afternoon, which will be interesting to watch. I think this is a great opportunity to experience Chinese culture. You are sure to have a lot of fun.
  I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.
   Li Hua
  2. 嘗试一句多译,培养发散思维能力
  The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching.
  The Dragon Boat Festival is drawing near.
  The Dragon Boat Festival is just two weeks away.
  The Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner.
  A series of activities will be held in our school.
  Our school is planning to host a variety of activities for this occasion.
  Various activities will be organized to celebrate this traditional festival.
  (3) 写信目的
  The details are as follows.
  I am writing to invite you to come and join us.
  I am writing to share with you the arrangements.
  I am writing to invite you to attend these interesting activities.
  You can learn how to make Zongzi and then taste it in the school canteen on Friday afternoon. There will be dragon boat races on Sunday morning. Moreover, you can watch folklore performances in the art center on Sunday afternoon.
  You have a chance to learn how to make Zongzi and then taste it in the school canteen on Friday afternoon. Exciting dragon boat races will be held on Sunday morning. Besides, there will be folklore performances in the art center on Sunday afternoon.
  This is a great opportunity to experience Chinese culture.
  It is a great way to keep the traditional Chinese culture alive.   Not only can you expose yourself to Chinese culture, you can  also make some new friends.
  Looking forward to your early reply/participation.
  I sincerely hope you can come and join us.
  I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.
  3. 总结英语写作中常用句式
  I am delighted/pleased/glad to receive your e-mail saying that ...我非常高兴收到你发来的电子邮件……
  I am writing to share with you...我写信与你分享……
  It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.  它是重要的中国传统节日之一。
  It is a great way to keep the Chinese traditional culture alive. 这是一个弘扬传统中国文化的好途径。
  It will be a great opportunity to experience Chinese culture.  这是一个体验中国文化的绝佳机会。
  It is such a great opportunity that you should not miss it. 这是一个不容错过的好机会。
  I am sure you will have a lot of fun. 我相信你会玩得很开心。
  I am sure you will benefit a lot from it. 我相信你会受益匪浅。
  If you need further information, feel free to let me know.  如果你需要其他信息,请尽管告诉我。
  I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply. 如果你能早日回复,我将不胜感激。
  I would be grateful if you could ...如果你能……我将感激不尽。
  (一)告知信 ▲
  生词提示:武术the Martial Arts
  Dear Peter,
  Li Hua
  Dear Peter,
  I am delighted to know that you are eager to join the Martial Arts Team of our school. I am writing to share some information with you.
  Our school is known for the Martial Arts Team, which has won a lot of prizes in the competitions in recent years under the guidance of two experienced coaches. Members usually receive training on Friday and Sunday afternoons from 4 pm to 6 pm. We have opportunities to play against teams from other schools and compete in various competitions in China. If you would like to join us, you are required to fill in the application form and send it to martialarts@126.com before June 10th.
  We are looking forward to your participation.
  Li Hua
  (1)表示歉意;(2)解释原因;(3)希望谅解。   注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  Dear Harry,
  Li Hua
  Dear Harry,
  I am terribly sorry for not being able to hand in my contribution on time. I am writing to express my sincere apology to you.
  The reason why I cannot submit my article you want is that I went to Hong Kong for an interview last week. I have applied to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and I was informed to have an interview with my professor. That is why I didn’t have enough time to compete the article on time. I will complete it and send it to you as soon as possible. I hope you can forgive me.
  Sorry again for any inconvenience caused.
  Li Hua
  生词提示:中国诗词大会 the Chinese Poetry Competition
  Dear Mark,
  Li Hua
  Dear Mark,
  I am disappointed to know you were knocked out in the finals of the Chinese Poetry Competition last week. I’m writing to express my sincere concern for you.
  I understand how you are feeling. You have made careful preparations in advance and tried your best, so there is nothing to regret. As a saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.” Actually you can learn a valuable lesson from this experience. I do hope you won’t lose heart and keep on learning Chinese. There are many opportunities to show your talent in the future. If you keep on trying, you are sure to win in the next competition.
  Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need further help.
  Li Hua
  假如你叫李华,你校将于下月举办中国传统文化周活动。请根据下面的写作提示,用英语写一封信,邀请汉字字源网站(Chinese Etymology)的创始人“汉字叔叔”Richard Sears来你校开讲座。内容包括:
  Dear Mr. Richard Sears,
  Li Hua
  【解题思路】邀请信由三段组成:第一段陈述写信的背景和写作目的;第二段是写作的重点,考生应告知对方,为什么邀请他来开讲座,以及讲座的内容和时间;第三段是结束语,希望对方接受邀请,并期待收到回复。   【参考范文】
  Dear Mr. Richard Sears,
  I am Li Hua, a student from Xinhua Middle School. The Chinese Traditional Culture Week is to be held in my school next month. I am writing to invite you to give us a lecture.
  As we all know, you have done so much research into Chinese characters that you are considered to be a famous expert. As the founder of the website Chinese Etymology, you have been promoting Chinese culture in the past twenty years. That is why you are known as “Uncle Hanzi” all over the world. We would like you give us a two-hour lecture on the evolution of Chinese characters on February 20.
  I hope you will accept our invitation. I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.
  Li Hua
  (五) 建议信▲
  Dear Betty,
  I am more than delighted to know you are planning to come to China and watch the Olympic Games in 2022. I would like to offer you some advice on how to improve your Chinese learning.
  As far as I’m concerned, you’d better listen to some Chinese radio programs to improve your pronunciation and intonation. I advise you to join a Chinese learning club, where you can practice spoken Chinese with other members. More importantly, you can also make some Chinese friends, from whom you can learn some Chinese culture.
  I hope you will find my advice useful.
  Li Hua
  (六)投訴信 ▲
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  Li Hua
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I’m Li Hua. My friend and I went an organized trip to the US with your company last month. I’m writing to complain about your service.
  I had been dreaming of traveling to America since my childhood. However, your service disappointed me when we traveled to the US last month. First of all, we had such a tight schedule that we didn’t have enough time to enjoy the tourist attractions. Second, the hotel rooms were in such a poor condition that we had difficulty falling asleep at night. Worse still, the food we ate in the restaurant were mostly junk food, which failed to provide nutrients we needed.   I would appreciate it if you could improve your service. Looking forward to your earliest reply.
  Li Hua
  (七)咨询信 ▲
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  Li Hua
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I’ve learned from the Internet that some Chinese tutors are needed during the summer holiday. I’m writing to make an inquiry about it.
  First, when does the program begin and how long does it last? If I know the detailed schedule, I can make proper arrangements in advance. Second, where are you going to accommodate the volunteers? In a hotel or in a school dormitory? Do you provide meals for us volunteers or do we have to cook by ourselves? Besides, I am wondering whether we need training before becoming a volunteer.
  I would appreciate it if you could give an early reply.
  Li Hua
  (八)感謝信 ▲
  假定你是李华,从互联网上获悉瑞士慈善家Hansj?rg Wyss捐出10亿美元,在今后的十年内改善世界各地的环境,你打算给他写一封感谢信。内容包括:
  Dear Mr. Wyss,
  Li Hua
  Dear Mr. Wyss,
  My name is Li Hua, a Chinese student. Knowing from the internet that you are going to donate $1 billion to environmental protection in the next decade, I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your kind act.
  With the development of society, our environment has been worsening in the last few decades. Pollution and global warming have caused serious damage to the earth. It is high time to take effective measures to take care of our mother earth. It is sensible for you to invest a huge amount of money in environmental protection. You are making a difference to the world. Your wise decision will make the earth a better place in the years to come.
  Thank you again for your great contribution.
  Li Hua
  (九) 自荐信▲
  假定你是李华,你市将在7月举办一场国际马拉松大赛,现在正在招募志愿者,你打算做一名志愿者,请用英文给组委会写一封自荐信。内容包括:   (1)个人情况介绍;(2)具备的优势(性格、语言能力、相关经验);(3)希望得到回复。
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  Li Hua
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I am Li Hua, a 16-year-old boy from Xinhua Middle School. I learn from the newspaper that some volunteers are needed for the International Marathon to be held in our city in July. I am writing to recommend myself.
  My advantages are as follows. First, I am friendly and helpful, which makes it easy for me to get well along with others. Second, I speak English so fluently that I can communicate with native speakers without difficulty. Besides, I have worked as a volunteer before, so I have some experience.
  I am qualified to be a volunteer. Please give me a chance. Looking forward to your early reply.
   Li Hua
  假定你是李华,即将参加学校举办的英语演讲比赛。请根据下面的写作提示,以How to solve the problems we faced with为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。内容包括:
  Dear fellow students,
  That’s all. Thank you.
  How to solve the problems we faced with
  Dear fellow students,
  It is a great honor for me to make a speech here. I’d like to share with you how I solve the problems facing me.
  It is normal for us to have problems from time to time. What matters most is our positive attitude. First, we should always believe in ourselves. If we try every possible means, we will be able to find a solution in the end. Second, it is wise to put ourselves in others’shoes, which can help us to analyze the problem from different angles. More importantly we’d better seek help from our parents and teachers, who will spare no efforts to offer us help.
  Different people have different approaches. How do you solve your problem?
  That’s all. Thank you.
  (十一) 英语通知▲
  假定你是学生会主席李华,你校下学期将开设中国古诗词欣赏(Chinese Classic Poetry Appreciation)选修课,请根据下面的写作提示,写一则英语通知。内容包括:
  (1)开课意图; (2)报名时间和条件; (3)报名时提交一份个人申请。
  The Chinese Classic Poetry Appreciation will be offered as an optional course for foreign students next term. It aims at assisting foreign students to gain a deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture and appreciate the charm of classical Chinese poetry. There will be lectures on poems written by famous writers during the Tang and Song Dynasties followed by group discussions on Thursday and Friday afternoon. Whoever has a passion for Chinese is welcome to choose it, especially those who have learned some Chinese before. Please visit our school website to sign up before June 30. You are supposed to submit a letter of application to introduce yourself.
  We are expecting your participation.
  June 20, 2019
  the Students’ Union
  (十二) 记叙文▲
  The Adult Ceremony was held on Sunday
  The Adult Ceremony was held on Sunday
  The Adult Ceremony, which marks the beginning of our adulthood, was held on the playground of our school on Monday morning.
  Dressed in school uniforms, we senior 3 students were required to walk through the Gate of Adults and gathered on the play ground at 8 am. Then, Mr. Li, our school master, made a short speech, congratulating us on becoming a grown-up. After bowing to our teachers and parents to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for their love and care, we vowed in one voice that we would take on more responsibilities from that day on.
  At that moment, we realized we had grown up. It was time that we behave as adults.
  (十三) 看图写作 ▲
  【解题思路】看图作文通常采用三段式。第一段简要地描述图片的内容,导入话题;第二段主要分析图片所反映的某种社会现象;第三段谈谈自己对这个问题的看法。   【參考范文】
  From the above picture we can see two men sitting on a bench and learning foreign languages. However, they are talking with each other in Chinese “If you have any problem, you can turn to me for help.” This picture sets me thinking deeply.
  Right now a large number of Chinese are learning English while more and more foreigners are learning Chinese. That is why the two men are talking with each other in Chinese. It is obvious that China has been playing an increasingly important role in the world stage, that is why many westerners are attracted to learn Chinese.
  The picture helps me to realize that we are proud of being Chinese, so I love our motherland deeply.
  假定你是李华,你在某英语学习论坛看到一个话题Are you going to study abroad or go to university in China? 你打算参与讨论,请根据下面的写作提纲,用英语写一篇短文。内容包括:
  Are you going to study abroad or go to university in China?
  These days the number of Chinese studying abroad has been increasing. Therefore, I am going to study abroad after graduating from senior high school. My reasons are as follows.
  First of all, I can learn to live an independent life by studying in a foreign university far from home. Secondly, I can make new friends and experience new culture, which will surely broaden my horizons. More importantly, I can learn some advanced technologies and then put them into practice when I come back home in the future.
  Since there are so many advantages of going to university in foreign countries, I have made up my mind to further my studies abroad.
生活中,我们身边会有这么一些人,特别善于察觉别人情绪的变化,不管是与家人、朋友、老师还是领导相处,只要别人情绪有一点点反常,这些人很快就能捕捉到,即使周围其他人都没有察觉出异样。而且,这些人还会深受这些情绪的影响。  对于这些人而言,生活中仿佛不仅需要承担自己的情绪,还需要额外肩负一份别人的情绪,有时想要视而不见,却关不上自己异常敏锐的“雷达”。今天,笔者想和大家聊聊这个话题——共情能力太强,会过
我还在读小学的时候,喝鸡汤是一件奢侈的事。那时父母的工资不高,我们每隔一两周才能买一次鸡或鱼。有一次姐姐发烧了,按照我们本地的说法,发烧的人是不能喝鸡汤的,所以本来说好煮鸡汤的,但因为这个原因又不能煮了。  我顿时像一根蔫了的白菜一样没了精神。姐姐完全康复也要好几天吧,我生气地说道:“姐姐发烧真不会挑时候,不会是故意的吧?!” 姐姐听到了,难以置信地对我说:“你怎么能这么说呢?发烧是我的错吗?”最
曾经有很长一段时间,我陷入莫名其妙的焦虑中。我恐惧自己年龄的增长,我抱怨工作的压力,我厌烦自己的普通,我甚至偷偷嫉妒朋友的好运。为此,我假装“失联”,不去回复朋友们的微信,不去参加任何可能有“攀比风险”的聚会。  没了社交的我试图从网络中寻找一些快感,我化身为一条“网虫”,爬行于各种社交APP中,期待遇到跟我一样的“天涯沦落人”。可是,我只看到了别人“春风得意马蹄疾”——  我打开知乎,发现那里的
有人这样定义幸福:有一份自己热爱的事业,有自己喜欢的人,确切知道自己在为什么而努力着。当我把这句话拆分成一个个问题来问自己时,第一个问题,通俗且老套,却有着让人陷入沉思的巨大魔力:“我热爱什么?”  或许每一个人在人生的不同阶段会有不同的回答,而在人生的旅途中,我们正是通过一站又一站的换乘,才逐渐明白自己内心深处的答案,找到属于自己的那份“热爱”。  我用了高中三年的时光,才听清了心底的声音,那是
不知道有多少人和我一样,在孩提时代总是埋怨父母对自己有诸多管教,埋怨父母把他们未完成的心愿寄托在自己身上,直到长大以后才幡然醒悟父母的爱是多么的深沉。  和世上所有“望女成凤”的家长一样,小学三年级时,妈妈以强硬的态度让我必须选择一个兴趣班。由于家里有一架玩具电子琴,因此我选择学电子琴。此后,每个周日的早晨,我被迫离开柔软的被窝,外出学习。每晚的练琴成了我的必修课,练琴时妈妈就坐在我旁边,一旦发现
有一年初秋,我到南京旅游时,穿了一双旅游鞋,那双旅游鞋看上去很厚重,像冬天穿的棉鞋,而周围的人依然穿着裙子、短裤、凉鞋,所以我的鞋看上去很突兀,使我显得很不合群。   这时,一个背着粉红色书包的小女孩走过来,指着我的鞋笑,她一定觉得我穿这双“不合时宜”的鞋子很奇怪、很搞笑。小女孩的妈妈立即严肃地制止道:“不可以随便嘲笑别人,穿那双鞋爬山说不定很舒服。别人穿有自己的理由,我们要用欣赏的眼光看待别人。
假如全世界开始在你的眼前变得模糊,你会选择怎样度过每一天的生活?周芷晴的回答是“珍惜看到的每一个字,学习!”。  2019年夏天,视力仅有0.1的“微光女孩”周芷晴以理科407分(江苏省高考满分为480分)的好成绩,成功考取中国人民大学。这位试卷上的字稍微小一点就看不清,甚至连老师的板书也看不清的女孩,居然能在千军万马中脱颖而出,无异于在狭窄的石缝里开出的铿锵玫瑰。  周芷晴4岁时被确诊为白内障,
文言文,既是中华传统文化的重要载体,也是中学生构建语言能力的基础。因此,文言文向来受到高考语文命题的重视。纵观2019年高考全国新课标卷三套试卷的文言文阅读题,题型相对稳定,坚持近年来“三客观一主观”的题型格局,主要考查断句、词语理解、文意理解、文句翻譯等核心考点。  根据2019年高考文言文阅读的命题特点,2020年高考文言文的备考要注意利用教材、强化基础,同时要进行科学的训练,掌握解题技巧。只
某日闲暇时,我读起三毛的书,书中她与父亲的一段谈话引起了我的注意,大意是她对父亲说如果自己选择了结束生命这条路,希望父母能理解她的选择;而父亲却告诉她:“如果你做出毁灭生命的事,那你便是我的仇人,因为是你,杀死了我最亲爱的女儿!”  在仲夏时分,这句话犹如一根针冷不丁地向我刺来。此时,虽然窗外阳光明媚,可我的心里仿佛生起了一层寒意,眼睛里也泛起了泪光。透过层层迷蒙的雾气,一段埋藏在心底已久的往事若
在熙熙攘攘、车水马龙的城市里,人们总是很难看得到一抹绿意,但房东婆婆却拥有很多的“绿”。  我读初中的时候,房东婆婆已经五十多岁了,她的头发花白,身子微微佝偻着,说着一口我听不大懂的方言。她虽然看着柔弱,但却不是好惹的,若是你做了什么她认为不对的事,她便会教育你半天,你还不好意思还口,且你也听不大懂她到底在说些什么。  起初,我对这位霸道的婆婆毫无好感,直到某次我无意间发现了她的后花园。那小小的院