花生是俺大队的主要经济作物,种植面积占总耕地面积的40%。为了探讨花生高产的途径,我们对花生各生育期的气象条件进行了反复试验、观测,并对1970年以来历年花生生育过程中的气象条件进行了分析研究,初步弄清了温度、降水、光照等主要气象因素与花生生产的关系,为提高花生产量、改革耕作制度探索了新途径。 花生是一种喜温作物,对温度的要求很严格。据我们观察,花生种子萌动发芽的最适宜温度是5厘米地温稳定在18—20℃。有关资料上关于大花生在15℃、小花生在12℃即可发芽的提法,是指的花生发芽的下限温度。低于这个下限温度会烂种,如果只保持这个温度也会延长花生的出苗期,甚至20多天不出苗。有的则根茎粗肿,出来的苗也很弱。而温度高于24℃虽然出苗快(一般5天左右即可出苗),但苗子细弱、
Peanut is the main cash crop of our brigade, with acreage accounting for 40% of the total arable land. In order to explore the ways of high yield of peanut, we conducted a series of experiments and observations on the meteorological conditions of peanut in different growth stages. The meteorological conditions during peanut breeding in 1970 were analyzed and studied. The temperature, precipitation, light And other major meteorological factors and the relationship between peanut production, to improve the yield of peanut, reform farming system to explore new ways. Peanut is a warm-weather crops, the temperature is very strict requirements. According to our observation, the most suitable temperature for sprouting and germinating peanut seeds is 5 cm and the temperature is stable at 18-20 ° C. Concerning the data on peanut at 15 ℃, small peanuts can be germinated at 12 ℃ refers to the minimum temperature of peanut germination. Below the lower limit temperature will be rotten, if only to maintain the temperature will also extend the peanut emergence, or even more than 20 days without emergence. Others are swollen, and the seedlings are weak. The temperature is higher than 24 ℃ although the emergence of fast (usually about 5 days to emergence), but the seedling is weak,