汲取古田会议丰富营养 为强军兴军提供坚强思想政治保证

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1929年12月召开的古田会议,是我军建设和发展史上一次极其重要的会议。会议通过的《古田会议决议》系统地解决了中国共产党和红军建设的一系列根本问题,不仅为我军思想政治工作理论的确立和发展奠定了基础,也为新的历史时期加强军队思想政治建设提供了宝贵借鉴。今天,我们学习贯彻古田会议精神,对于继承发扬我党我军优良传统,坚定理想信念,牢记军魂宗旨,投身强军兴军实践具有重大而深远的意义。强化官兵的军魂意识,深扎强军兴军的思想根子。古田会议把“红军 The Gutian Conference held in December 1929 was an extremely important meeting in the history of our army’s construction and development. The ”Gutian Conference Resolution“ passed at the conference systematically solved a series of fundamental issues concerning the building of the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army and laid the foundation for not only the establishment and development of the PLA’s ideological and political work theory but also the military ideological and political building in the new historical period Provide a valuable reference. Today, our study and implementation of the spirit of the Gutian Conference is of great and far-reaching significance to the succession and development of the fine tradition of our party and our army, the firm belief in ideals, the purpose of remembering the military soul, and joining the practice of rejuvenating the military. Strengthen the awareness of the military spirit of officers and soldiers and deeply root the ideological foundation for rejuvenating the armed forces. Gutian Conference put ”Red Army
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