聂磊的江湖 法网恢恢 疏而不漏

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2011年12月20日上午,聂磊等30人将在胶州法院上堂受审。2010年9月份,“聂磊案”相关案情公布后,庭审时间从5月推到了8月。青岛市中级人民法院于2012年3月20日对青岛涉嫌黑社会性质组织犯罪案作出一审判决,被告人聂磊是组织、领导黑社会性质组织犯罪的首要分子,依法应对该组织所犯的全部罪行负责,且系累犯,依法应从重处 On the morning of December 20, 2011, 30 people including Nie Lei will be tried in court in Jiaozhou court. September 2010, “Nie Lei case ” after the announcement of the relevant case, the trial time pushed from May to August. Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court made a verdict of first instance on March 20, 2012 on the alleged criminal organization of gangs in Qingdao. Nie Lei, the defendant, is the chief criminal responsible for organizing and leading the crime of underworld organizations and is responsible for all crimes committed by the organization according to law , And the recidivist, according to the law should be from the heavy office
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