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随着新年钟声的敲响,我们迎来了崭新的一年。1999年又将是一个不平凡的年份:这一年是我国实现跨世纪宏伟目标的关键一年,是中华人民共和国建国50周年,这一年我国还将恢复对澳门行使主权。因此,确保大江大河大湖安全度汛,保持和促进改革、发展、稳定的局面,是水利工作的重大目标,具有极为重要的意义。治淮工作是水利工作的重要组成部分,进一步推进治淮工程建设,加快淮河各项治理工作进程,更显得刻不容缓。 With the bell of the New Year, we have ushered in a brand new year. In 1999, it will be another extraordinary year. This year marks the crucial year for our country to achieve the grand goal of trans-century and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. That year, our country will also resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macao. Therefore, it is of great significance to ensure safe floods in the great rivers of major rivers and to maintain and promote reforms, development and stability in the water conservancy. The work of treating the Huaihe River is an important part of the water conservancy work. It is even more imperative to further promote the construction of the Huaihe River harnessing and speeding up the harnessing work of the Huaihe River.
The stable channel geometry has attracted the attention of hydraulic engineers for quite a long time. Various criteria have been proposed to explain the self-f
【印度】《一周》2016年9月25日  9月12日,印度最高法院的一项水资源裁决引发南部卡纳塔克邦首府班加罗尔的大规模骚乱。法院要求该邦在20日之前将高韦里河的部分用水转移给下游的泰米尔纳德邦,以缓解后者的旱情。消息一出,大批示威者涌上班加罗尔街头,纵火焚烧车辆,并向警方投掷石块。警方被迫开火还击,造成1名示威者丧生。印度政府于当日立即对班加罗尔实施宵禁,众多科技企业纷纷关闭设在当地的办公室。商店
1 概述 西苇水库建成于1960年6月,流域面积113.6km~2,设计总库容1.07亿m~3,是一座以防洪灌溉为主,兼顾发电渔副业生产、城区供水的综合性工程。 放水洞与水库同时兴建,竖井
Vegetative filter strips have been widely used for controlling soil erosion from agricultural land, road sides, construct sites, and other disturbed lands. The
1908-1949年标志工程:云南石龙坝水电站,中国建成的第一座水电站。云南昆明市郊螳螂口川上的石龙坝水电站, 1908年建,装机 2 920 kW。空中华人民共和国成立时,不包括台湾省的水电站,大陆仅有水电装机容