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随着经济体制改革的逐步深入,建立国家宏观调控下的生产资料市场已提上重要议事日程。从实际情况出发,认真贯彻“治、整、改”方针,探索建立宏观有效调控生产资料市场的新路子,为搞活企业创造良好的外部环境,这是我们当前亟需研究解决的重大课题。我国在建立生产资料市场方面虽然迈出了重要一步,但是由于经济过热,加之市场法规不健全,必要的监督管理工作未能跟上等原因,市场发育缓慢,同发展有计划的商品经济不相适应。存在的问题主要有: 1、条块分割的物资管理体制没有根本改变。国家虽然采取措施对物资机构进行调整,但由于这项工作涉及到各方面的职权和利益的变动,调整工作进展缓慢。 2、在当前政企职责未能彻底分开的情况下,企业对政府各级主管部门的依附关系未能完全解决,缺乏参与市场竞争的动力。 With the gradual deepening of the reform of the economic system, the establishment of a market for production materials under the state’s macro-control has been put on the agenda. Starting from the actual situation, we must conscientiously implement the principle of “governance, adjustment, and reform”, explore new ways of macroeconomic regulation and control of the production materials market, and create a favorable external environment for the invigoration of enterprises. This is a major issue that we urgently need to study and solve. Although China has made an important step in establishing the market for production materials, due to overheating of the economy and the impossibility of market regulations, the necessary supervision and management work has not kept pace with the above reasons. The market has been slow to develop, and it is incompatible with the development of a planned commodity economy. adapt. The main problems are as follows: 1. There is no fundamental change in the material management system that is divided into blocks. Although the state has taken measures to adjust the materials and institutions, due to the changes in the powers and interests of all parties concerned, adjustments have been slow. 2. In the current situation where the responsibilities of government and enterprises are not completely separated, the dependency relationship between the enterprise and the competent authorities at all levels of government has not been completely resolved and there is no incentive to participate in market competition.
Chinese name 中文片名: 《料理鼠王》  English name英文片名: Ratatouille  Country国别: America美国  Genre影片类型: comedy, animation喜剧、动画  Release date上映日期:June 29, 2007 2007年6月29日  Studio影片公司:Pixar Animation Studios  Dub配音:
在台湾当局仍然坚持不对大陆开放、不直接进行贸易与投资的情况下,台湾厂商向大陆进行贸易和投资的方式不断翻新。目前,规模较大的台湾企业,一般是在香港或东 While the Ta
1.假如你是刘兵,在美国留学期间,到一家电影院看了一场电影,但在看电影的过程中发现了一些问题。请你根据以下要点用英语给电影院写一封信。1. 1. If you were Liu Bing, du