“Dynamic Computation” used to be calculate only the geostrophic current velocityand the Ekman’s drift-current theory applied to compute only the wind-drift current ve-locity are the two basic theorems widely used for easily calculating the current velocitiesof different kinds of ocean currents. But they have their own defects. For easily calcula-ting both the velocity of ocean current produced by the uneven density distribution of seawater and that by the wind and atmospheric pressure of sea surface, the author presentsin this paper a method for solving the equations of motion in consideration of vertical tur-bulence only by using the values of horizontal pressure gradient and the coefficient ofeddy viscosity determined according to a certain fact. With this method We have calculatedthe velocity of ocean current in Kuroshio in the East China Sea, and obtained satisfac-
“Dynamic Computation ” used to be calculate only the geostrophic current velocity and the Ekman’s drift-current theory applied to compute only the wind-drift current ve-locity are the two basic theorems widely used for easily calculating the current velocities of different kinds of ocean For easy calcula-ting both the velocity of ocean current produced by the uneven density distribution of seawater and that by the wind and atmospheric pressure of sea surface, the author presentsin this paper a method for solving the equations of motion in consideration of vertical tur-bulence only by using the values of horizontal pressure gradient and the coefficient ofeddy viscosity determined according to a certain fact. With this method We have calculated the velocity of ocean current in Kuroshio in the East China Sea, and obtained satisfac-