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今年2月底,《就业促进法》(草案)公布,向社会征求意见。在每年劳动力供大于求超过1000万人的情况下,《就业促进法》的制定,将给百姓带来什么?就业是民生之本,关系着我国的社会和谐发展。就业压力大是我国长期面临的问题。随着现代化水平的不断提高,经济增长对就业的吸纳效应出现递减势头,与此同时,高技能人才却处于短缺状态。这需要政府采取就业援助、鼓励自主创业、发展职业教育等促进就业的措施,更需要国家立法,通过法制的形式来强调政府促进就业的责任,建立长效机制,使百姓得到更多的就业机会。就业是安国之本,实现比较充分就业是经济社会发展的重要目标。公布的草案中,明确规定国家要坚持经济发展同扩大就业良性互动,把扩大就业放在经济社会发展的突出位置;政府要把扩大就业做为经济发展和调整经济结构的重要目标,纳入国民经济和社会发 By the end of February this year, the Employment Promotion Law (Draft) was released to solicit opinions from the community. Under the circumstance that the annual workforce exceeds the supply of more than 10 million people, what will be the enactment of the Employment Promotion Law to the common people? Employment is the foundation of people’s livelihood and the harmonious development of society in our country. The pressure of employment is a long-term problem facing our country. With the continuous improvement of the level of modernization, the absorbing effect of economic growth on employment shows a decreasing trend, while at the same time, highly skilled personnel are in a shortage. This requires the government to take employment assistance, to encourage independent entrepreneurship, vocational education and other employment promotion measures, but also to national legislation, through the legal system to emphasize the responsibility of government to promote employment, the establishment of long-term mechanism to enable people to get more employment opportunities . Employment is the foundation of Anguo. Achieving full employment is an important goal of economic and social development. The draft promulgated clearly stipulates that the state should adhere to the positive interaction between economic development and expansion of employment and put expanded employment in a prominent position in economic and social development. The government should make employment expansion an important goal of economic development and economic restructuring in the national economy And social hair
文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifoliaBge.)属无患子科文冠果属,耐旱、耐寒、耐瘠薄,分布范围较广,结实早、寿命长、种子含油率高,其油不仅是化工、医药等良好原料,也是极好的食用
一种超级快硬修补混凝土(简称HC)已由我国研制成功。这种外观与普通混凝土极为相似的HC 完全有别于传统的水泥类修补材料,它是一种由全新的无机非金属材料合成的高科技智能
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