利用组合习题 培养学生能力

来源 :物理教学探讨:中教版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:su18tt
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【正】 利息是调节经济生活的重要杠杆之一。但自1958年以后,在吃“大锅饭”和刮“共产风”的影响下,发生否定价值规律,不要核算的倾向,利息的作用也被否定了。特别是由于十
Higson have introduced the conception of “Higson's corona” (see [1]). For a given metricspace χ, it is a kind of compactification of χ related to the me
Consider I pairs of independent binomial variates X0i and X1i, with corresponding parameters P0i and P1i and sample sizes n0i and n1i for i = 1,…… , I. Let △
We consider the existence of single and multiple positive periodic solutions for the general periodic Logistic equation
<正> In 1923, Hardy and Littlewood[1] conjectured that each integer n can be written asp+m12+ m22 = n,and Linnik[2,3] proved that this conjecture is true. But i
Piece-wise smooth systems are an important class of ordinary differential equations whosedynamics are known to exhibit complex bifurcation scenarios and chaos.
【正】 一不了解亨利&#183;劳森,就不会了解十九世纪澳大利亚文学中的丛林人。这样说决非夸张之词。丛林人由于劳森的辛勤笔墨,才在世界文坛上树立了自己的形象。丛林生活需