邵阳师专外语电教室使用的LLS—3A型语言实验室,几年来在训练学生的听说能力方面发挥了重要作用,但在使用过程中,发现有两个经常性故障。 1.经常出现师生对讲无声。经检查发现,如果有一个座位不能进行师生对讲,则故障发生在这个学生位置的电路上。这时应检查耳机与接插件是否连接良好。如果没有一个座位能进行师生对讲,则故障发生在主控台内,这时应检查与对讲系统有关的电路。我们多次发现最易出现毛病的是对讲的电源整流电路,只要它出现故障,就无整流电压输出,自然对讲就全无声音。而电源整流电路中,最易损坏的元件又是大功率电压调整管DD01,换上一只好的三极管,故障即可消除。但使用不久,又出现同
The LLS-3A language laboratory used by Shaoyang Teachers ’Foreign Language Classroom has played an important role in training students’ listening and speaking skills over the past few years. However, during the course of their use, they found two recurrent failures. There are often silent intercom students and students. The inspection found that if there is a seat can not be intercom between teachers and students, then the fault occurred in the student’s location on the circuit. At this time should check the headset and the connector is well connected. If you do not have a seat for intercom students and teachers, then the fault occurred in the console, then check the intercom system-related circuits. We have found many times the most troublesome is the intercom power rectifier circuit, as long as it fails, there is no rectifier voltage output, the natural intercom no sound. The power rectifier circuit, the most vulnerable component is high-power voltage regulator tube DD01, put on a good transistor, the fault can be eliminated. But after using it, it appears again