Magnetic resonance imaging:Is there a role in clinical management for acute ischemic colitis?

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志:英文版(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayayda
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AIM:To validate the utility of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) for the clinical management of acute ischemic colitis(IC).METHODS:This is a magnetic resonance(MR) prospective evaluation of 7 patients who were proved to have acute IC on the basis of clinica
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【正】 1.选好藕种。选用抗腐品种或无病种藕,发病田的藕不能作种,否则引起新田发病。 2.科学施肥。栽植前施足腐熟的有机肥,注意氮、磷、钾肥配合施用,增施硅质肥,促进植株
【正】 菜豆细菌性疫病又叫火烧病,是菜豆常见的主要病害之一,而且来势凶猛,发展快,严重时全叶干枯,似为火烧状。严重影响菜豆的产量和质量,一般减产20%—30%,重者减产 50%以上
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