
来源 :中原医刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daiguangying
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四川省中药厂位于天府之国,闻名的药材之乡。拥有生产中成药多种剂型的技术能力和先进设备,是全国中成药重点发展厂家之一。该厂以中医药理论为指导,以传统经验为基础,采用先进工艺技术和严格的质量控制手段组织生产,产品疗效确切,畅销国内,远销国外,受到各地经营部门和广大患者欢迎。该厂生产的镇咳祛痰良药峨嵋牌“川贝枇杷冲剂”,1984年获国家质量银质奖。该药对伤风咳嗽、肺虚、肺气上逆引起的急慢性支气管炎疗效显著,并能防治喉痛、声嘶等疾患,特别是小儿患 Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory is located in the land of abundance, famous for its medicinal herbs. The company possesses the technical capabilities and advanced equipment for the production of multiple dosage forms of proprietary Chinese medicines and is one of the key manufacturers of proprietary Chinese medicines. The factory is guided by the theory of Chinese medicine, based on traditional experience, using advanced technology and strict quality control methods to organize production. The product has a definite curative effect, is sold well in China, and is exported to foreign countries. It is welcomed by operating departments and patients at all levels. The anti-tussive and anti-tussive medicine produced by this factory is called “Chuan Pui Chong Granule” and won the National Quality Silver Award in 1984. The medicine has significant curative effects on acute and chronic bronchitis caused by cold, cough, lung deficiency and lung qi, and can prevent and treat sore throat and hoarseness, especially in children.
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本刊讯 新《产品质量法》实施后第 13天的夜晚,河南省镇平县质量技术监督局根据群众举报,在城关镇小店村三里河组居民区赵某家查出一大制售假酒黑窝点。   该窝点属于典型的
It is very difficult to determine the sample containing more than two components which can interfere their quantitative analysis each other. The common method
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承担初中语文教学工作后,我发现初中生的作文存在一定的问题。分析后发现,学生作文上存在的问题主要在立意、结构、语言、书写等方面。  一、立意不明确  中学生的写作,普遍存在一种“记流水账”的现象,在接受写作任务后,大脑中没有进行立意、选材、结构等组织材料和谋篇布局的方法或思维程序,写出的文章没有明确的中心思想。常常只是按照事情发展的自然顺序,从头到尾记叙事情的过程。有的作文上常常说一些与主题无关的废