合作协作这两个詞都是动詞,都表示“彼此配合,互相帮助”的意思,但不尽相同。 “合作”是指共同合力从事同一工作。例如: 1.所以我們希望中国的抗日統一战线坚持下去,不是一家独霸而是大家合作,把抗日的事业弄个胜利,才是上策,否則一概是下策。 (《毛澤东选集》676頁) 2.巴杜洛夫同志跟着又解释说:“帝国主义说我們武鋼这个高炉1958年出不了鉄,但我們今天就出铁了。这是一个胜利。”毛主席说:“这是中苏两国合作的胜利。”(曹葆銘《毛主席在武鋼》) 3.在第七届世界青年与学生和平友誼联欢节乒乓球賽中,获得三枚金質奖章的中国女运动員胡克明和十四岁的捷克斯洛伐克女运动員波莎合作获得了女子双打冠軍。
The two words of cooperation and cooperation are verbs, all of which mean “to cooperate with each other and help each other”, but they are not the same. “Cooperation ” means working together on the same work together. For example: 1. Therefore, we hope that the anti-Japanese united front in China will persist. It is not the best strategy to win over the cause of the Anti-Japanese War not by a single leader, but by all means. (Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, p. 676) 2. Comrade Badulov follows and explains: “The imperialists said that we can not get rid of this blast furnace in 1958, but we have gotten a fortune today. This is a victory.” “ Chairman Mao said: ”This is the victory of the cooperation between China and the Soviet Union. “ (Cao Bao Ming, ”Chairman Mao is in WISCO.") 3. At the 7th World Youth Friendship and Friendship Friendship Festival table tennis match, get three gold Chinese medalist Hu Keming, medalist, and Persephone, a 14-year-old Czech woman athlete, won the women’s doubles title.