
来源 :柴油机 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerry1121
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随着增压度的不断提高,中速柴油机在船舶航行中的操纵性能明显地恶化了。因此有必要对增压柴油机过渡工况特性的各个影响因素以及加速和控制措施加以研究。本文的第一部份将介绍中速船用柴油机过渡工况特性的计算模型,其基础是稳定工况的工作过程计算。采用这一计算模型时,将柴油机分成多个工作容积,然后根据“容积法”确定各容积中的状态参数,废气涡轮增压器作为这一系统的边界条件,而燃烧过程则用韦伯(Vibe)提出的模拟燃烧过程。通过每一步计算,从废气涡轮增压器的能量平衡中确定涡轮增压器的转速变化,根据负荷力矩确定柴油机的转速变化。为了检验计算模型的准确性,在Blohm&Voss公司对皮尔斯蒂克中速柴油机进行了多次试验台测量,从而掌握了稳定工况和过渡工况特性下柴油机的性能参数,并进行了数值计算。将实测的稳定工况和过渡工况特性参数同计算结果作比较后证明,两者非常一致。 With the constant increase of pressurization degree, the maneuverability of medium speed diesel engine in ship navigation has obviously deteriorated. Therefore, it is necessary to study the various influencing factors and the acceleration and control measures of the transient condition of turbocharged diesel engine. The first part of this article will introduce the calculation model of the transient conditions of medium speed marine diesel engine. The basis of the calculation is the calculation of working process under steady working conditions. Using this calculation model, the diesel engine is divided into a plurality of working volumes, and then the volumetric method is used to determine the state parameters in each volume. The exhaust turbocharger serves as the boundary condition of the system, while the combustion process uses Vibe ) To simulate the combustion process. Through each step of calculation, the turbocharger speed change is determined from the energy balance of the exhaust gas turbocharger, and the change of the speed of the diesel engine is determined according to the load torque. In order to test the accuracy of the model, several test rig measurements were carried out at Blohm & Voss on the Peersteel medium-speed diesel engine. The performance parameters of the diesel engine under steady-state conditions and transient conditions were obtained and numerically calculated. The measured steady-state conditions and characteristics of transitional conditions compared with the calculation results to prove that the two are very consistent.
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