
来源 :公民与法(法学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwsea
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高校依法治校与依法治国密不可分,是依法治国的组成部分,是依法治国方略在社会各个领域贯彻落实的必然要求。高校应当依照依法治校的内在要求,尽快树立并践行依法治校的思想意识、整体思路和具体举措,以深入推进高校依法治校,切实提高学校依法治校的能力和水平,保证学校的稳定、安全和健康发展,进而充分发挥高校在我国现代化建设进程中培养、输送、造就人才,提升国家创新能力和竞争能力的巨大作用。 The university management by law and the rule of law are closely linked with each other and are an integral part of governing the country according to law. It is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the strategy of governing the country according to law in all spheres of society. Colleges and universities should, in accordance with the inherent requirements of governing schools according to law, establish and implement ideological consciousness, overall train of thought and specific measures for managing schools according to law as soon as possible so as to further promote the management of colleges and universities according to law, and effectively improve the ability and level of governing schools according to law, Stable, safe and healthy development, and then give full play to the great role of colleges and universities in training, conveying and building up qualified personnel in the process of China's modernization drive so as to enhance the country's ability to innovate and compete.
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