抓改革 促管理 把卫生防疫工作提高到一个新水平

来源 :中国公共卫生管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hexiaole632
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1 解放思想,深化卫生防疫改革第一,实行站长负责制,全面启动卫生防疫改革。1980年邹县被列为全国三分之一试点县后,即开始在管理与改革方面进行探索。1984年被卫生部列入全国卫生防疫改革试点,加快了改革步伐。以站长负责制为中心,实行了“五(?)”制的改革措施。即实行了站科两级负责制,党、群两种监督制,站科两级聘用制,职称、奖金两种浮动制,站、科两级考核制,强化了行政业务指挥系 1 Emancipate the mind, deepen the reform of sanitation and epidemic prevention first, implement the responsibility system for station owners, and comprehensively launch the reform of sanitation and epidemic prevention. After Zouxian was listed as one third of the country’s pilot counties in 1980, it began to explore management and reform. In 1984, the Ministry of Public Health was included in the national trial for the reform of health and epidemic prevention and accelerated the pace of reforms. Taking the webmaster responsibility system as the center, the “Five (?)” reform measures have been implemented. In other words, the two-level responsibility system for stations, the two types of supervision system for the Party and the group, the two-level recruitment system for the station division, the two floating systems for professional titles and bonuses, the two-level evaluation system for stations and sections, and the strengthening of the command system for administrative services.
1 重计划考核,轻指导控制年初要制订计划,年终要进行考核,已基本形成规律。但对计划的落实指导、控制却很不力。由于缺乏及时指导就不能及时发现计划偏差,也不能及时给予控
1 制订目标,层层分解在完善各项规章制度的同时,根据时代的要求,应用管理科学,实行目标管理责任制、任务承包合同制。近两年,根据上级下达的工作任务,结合本县的实际情况及
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从苎麻Boehmarianivea根中分离得到3个化合物,根据波谱方法分别鉴定为β-谷甾醇,胡萝卜甙和19α-羟基乌苏酸,均为首次从该植物中分离得到。 Three compounds were isolated from the roots of cast