在《新约全书·马太福音》中有这样一段记载:一个富人问耶稣道:“我的好主人,我该怎样做才能获得永生?”耶稣答道:“变卖你所有的家产,将它们分发给穷人,这样你在天上便有了财宝。”那富人听后,神情悲戚,掉头而去。随后耶稣便对他的弟子们说:“看来骆驼穿过针眼,比财主进入神的国度还容易呢。”一千三百多年之后,意大利诗人、政治家和哲学家但丁·阿利吉耶里(Dante Alighieri)虽然被放逐出家乡佛罗伦萨,丧失了大部分财产,但他在通过针眼时依旧遇到了麻烦。看起来除了财富之外,还有其他的种种牵挂使人们无法毅然决然地弃绝尘世。激情即是其中
In the New Testament Matthew’s Gospel, there is a record that a rich man asked Jesus: “My good master, what can I do to obtain eternal life?” Jesus replied: “Selling all your property, you will They are distributed to the poor, so that you will have treasure in heaven.“ The rich man, after listening, looked sad and turned away. Then Jesus said to his disciples, ”It seems that the camel crossed the eye of the needle, and it is easier than the rich man enters the kingdom of God." More than 1,300 years later, the Italian poet, politician and philosopher Dante Alige Although Dante Alighieri was banished from his hometown of Florence and lost most of his property, he was still in trouble when passing through the eye of a needle. It seems that besides wealth, there are other kinds of concerns that people can’t resolutely reject. Passion is where