
来源 :时代财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crazy915
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党的十六大刚刚胜利闭幕,羊年伊始,温馨的阳光荡漾心底。 “三羊开泰”、“三阳启泰”,说的正是冬去春来,阴消阳长,春光灿烂,吉祥洋溢。古时,“羊”通“阳”和“祥”,足见羊集万千宠爱于一身。千百年来,羊被奉为吉祥物,作为万物之灵长的人类对其珍爱有加。羊的不卑不亢,默以致深,其亲和力不容置喙。在发展市场经济的今天,张扬个性、崇尚个体价值最大化之际,切切不可忘记培植亲和力。所谓众志成城,吓退洪水猛兽,正是亲和力不可小觑。财政也要讲求亲和力,而且是实实在在的、没有水分的亲和力。落实到行动上,就是要进一步完善转移支付办法,一方面大力争取中央的支持,一方面加大对贫困地区尤其是我省。“西部”的转移支付力度,帮助当地群众尽快脱贫致富,促进区域经济共同协调发展;进一步 The party’s 16th National Congress has just concluded the victory, the beginning of the year of the sheep, warm sunshine heart. “Three sheep to open the Thai”, “Sanyang Kai Tai,” said that it is the winter to spring, Yin Yang negative long, bright spring, auspicious filled. In ancient times, the “sheep” through the “Yang” and “Xiang”, shows enough to love a sheep set in one. For thousands of years, sheep have been mascoted, and human beings, the priests of all things, have their preciousness. The sheep are neither overbearing nor overbearing, so silent that their affinity can not be put on their beaks. In the development of market economy today, publicize individuality, advocating the maximization of individual values, we must not forget to cultivate affinity. The so-called all-cause, scare off flood beasts, it is affinity can not be underestimated. Finance should also stress the affinity, and it is real, there is no water affinity. In implementing this measure, we should further improve the transfer payment method, vigorously strive for the support of the Central Government and on the one hand increase the aid to poor areas, especially our province. “Western” transfer payments to help local people get rid of poverty and prosperity as soon as possible to promote coordinated and coordinated development of regional economy; further
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。国家发展计划委员会副主任王春正强调 积极的财政政策不要轻言淡出$人民日报!记者@富子梅$人民日报!记者@严冰$人民日报!记者@