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近年来,全省各地在解决中小学教师工资问题上做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了一定的成绩。但全省教师工资发放情况不平衡,部分地区拖欠教师工资问题仍然存在,个别地方还比较严重。为进一步贯彻落实《教师法》和省委、省政府《关于教育改革和发展的决定》、《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》,保障教师的合法权益,稳定中小学教师队伍,省人民政府决定,从2000年起,全省中小学教师工资实行县级统一发放。现将有关事项通知如下:一、各级政府要从“科教兴鄂”的战略高度出发,重视并解决好教师工资发放问题。教师工资是教师最基本的生活来源,按时足额发放教师工资,事关党和政府在人民群众中的威信,事关我省教育发展和 In recent years, various provinces across the province have done a great deal of fruitful work in solving the problem of primary and secondary school teachers’ salaries and have achieved certain results. However, the distribution of teacher salaries in the province is not balanced, and the problem of arrears of teacher salaries in some areas still exists, and individual areas are still relatively serious. In order to further implement the “Teacher Law” and the “Decision on Education Reform and Development” of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and the “Decision on Deepening Education Reform to Advance Quality Education in an All-round Way” to protect the legal rights of teachers and stabilize the teaching staff of primary and secondary schools, The People’s Government decided that from the year 2000 onwards, the salaries of primary and secondary school teachers throughout the province will be uniformly distributed at the county level. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows: First, governments at all levels must proceed from the strategic height of “relying on science and education” and pay attention to and solve the issue of teachers’ salaries. Teachers’ salaries are the most basic source of teachers’ lives. The payment of teachers’ salaries on time and in full depends on the prestige of the Party and the government among the people, and it is related to the development of education in our province.
铁路路基下沉都是由于维护保养不得力或超载所造成的(铁路在十多年前就在货车载重方面超载40%)。 在门菲斯和小岩之间的岩岛铁路线有一个地区值得注意,该地区地质太差,以至在