
来源 :上海口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lu153
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目的:研究System-B连续波垂直加压充填技术对不同部位、不同直径侧支根管的充填情况。方法:选取人类单根管离体牙40颗,随机分为2组。根管预备后,在距根尖3mm、6mm、9mm处制备8及15K锉直径的人工侧支根管,分别用System-B连续波垂直加压充填技术和传统冷牙胶侧压充填法进行充填。制备成透明牙后,在体视显微镜下观察侧支根管的充填情况,采用SPSS13.0软件包对2组的充填效果进行比较。结果:System-B连续波垂直加压充填技术组和冷牙胶侧方加压充填技术组对侧支根管的充填率分别是85.00%和49.17%(P<0.05)。System-B连续波垂直加压充填技术组对距根尖孔6mm、9mm处的侧支根管充填率及进入侧支根管充填物长度均优于3mm处(P<0.05),而6mm与9mm处的侧支充填,无论充填率或是充填长度,两者均无显著性差异(P>0.05);侧支根管充填的充填长度显示,直径较大的15K锉组优于直径较小的8K锉组(P<0.05)。结论:System-B连续波垂直加压充填技术对侧支根管的充填效果优于冷牙胶侧压充填技术,其对不同部位及不同直径的侧支根管的充填效果也有差别。 OBJECTIVE: To study the filling of System-B continuous wave vertical pressure filling technique in different parts and diameters of lateral root canal. Methods: Forty human isolated single-rooted teeth were randomly divided into two groups. After root canal preparation, the artificial lateral root canal of 8 and 15K files were prepared at 3mm, 6mm and 9mm distance from the apical root, followed by System-B continuous wave vertical pressure filling technique and conventional cold tooth gum side pressure filling method Filling. Preparation of transparent teeth, observed under stereomicroscope filling the lateral branch canal filling, using SPSS13.0 package for the filling effect of two groups were compared. Results: The filling rates of lateral root canal of System-B continuous wave vertical filling group and cold filling lateralizing filling group were 85.00% and 49.17%, respectively (P <0.05). System-B continuous wave vertical filling group showed that the filling rate of lateral root canal 6 mm and 9 mm from the apical foramen and the filling length of lateral root canal filling were both better than 3 mm (P <0.05) 9mm at the side branch filling, regardless of the filling rate or filling length, both no significant difference (P> 0.05); filling length of lateral root canal filling showed that the larger diameter 15K file group is better than the smaller diameter 8K file group (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: System-B continuous wave vertical pressure filling technology is superior to side-branch root canal filling technology in collateral canal filling of cold parts, with different diameters.
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