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以人为本科技兴业唯创是新超越发展长沙桑铼特农业机械设备有限公司,是由宁乡拖拉机厂改制转型成立的企业。公司致力于发展现代农村运输、工程、田间作业之机械,并以提高农机设备的综合使用率和调整质量水平为科技发展目标。公司拥有3个分厂,占地面积70余亩,员工107人,总厂年产值上亿元,实现利税上千万元。近年在国家农业政策和农机政策的指导下,企业科研机构不断创新,并与湖南农业大学、中国农业科学院麻类研究所等多家大专院校合作进行产品研发。目前公司拥有知识产权的创造发明专利共计20余项。在专利技术的支撑和国家目录相关政策的支持下,产品系列发展较快,现拥有多用农田作业机、农用渣液吸运机、履带自走式旋耕机等16个型号产品,其产品性能完善、安全可靠,很好地迎合了丘陵山区农村市场的需求和发展趋势。 People-oriented science and technology Industrial Creation is a new development beyond the Changsha Mori special agricultural machinery and equipment Co., Ltd., Ningxiang tractor plant restructuring and transformation of the establishment of the enterprise. The company is committed to the development of modern rural transport, engineering, field operations of machinery, and to improve the comprehensive utilization of agricultural machinery and equipment and adjust the quality level for the development of science and technology goals. The company has 3 branch, covers an area of ​​more than 70 acres and employs 107 people, the plant annual output value of 100 million yuan, profits and taxes on the 10 million yuan. In recent years, under the guidance of the State Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Machinery Policy, the research institutes of enterprises continuously innovate and cooperate with universities and colleges such as Hunan Agricultural University and China Academy of Agricultural Sciences to carry out product research and development. At present, the company has a total of more than 20 invention patents for intellectual property rights. With the support of patented technology and the support of the national catalog related policies, the product series have developed rapidly. Now we have 16 models of multi-purpose farmland operating machines, agricultural liquid slag sucking machines and crawler self-propelled rotary tillers. Its product performance Perfect, safe and reliable, well meet the hilly mountainous areas of the rural market demand and development trends.
2000年1月18日 ,全国最大、河南省唯一的档案干部教育基地在平顶山市经济技术开发区举行了隆重的奠基仪式。这个基地担负着河南省一万多名档案干部的培训任务 ,总投资3000多万元 ,占地面
平凡,是上苍赐予我的恩泽。 我降生的地方是那样平凡:极为普通的小村庄,没有能标示家族高贵、世系绵长的石雕牌坊,没有能读出先辈沧桑和后辈才干的高楼深院,只有低矮的瓦屋
2002年1月22日星期二晴 “你相信有男孩给我写情书么?”月儿大言不惭地问我。 “这有什么不相信的?”我嘴里这样说,心里却嘀咕开了:月儿嗜书如命深居简出其貌不扬且不修边幅