
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chuanqi111
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Objective: To determine if goserelin immediately after uterine artery embolization (UAE) affected myoma reduction. Design: Randomized pilot study (level 1). Setting: Teaching hospital. Patient(s): Twenty-six women. Intervention(s): All patients underwent UAE, and then 12 patients received 10.8 mg of goserelin 24 hours later. The treatment group was 5 years older: 43 versus 37.7 years. Uterine and myoma volumes were measured by ultrasound 2 weeks before UAE and at 3, 6, and 12 months. Main Outcome Measure(s): Uterine and fibroid volumes. Result(s): Pretreatment uterine volume was 477 versus 556 cm3, and dominant fibroid volume was 257 versus 225 cm3 in the control versus goserelin groups. Analysis of variance measurements indicated that the change over time did not significantly differ between the two groups. By 12 months, the control group had a mean uterine volume reduction of 58% , while the goserelin group had a reduction of 45% . Dominant fibroid changes over time did not differ between the two groups. At 12 months, the mean fibroid volume had decreased by 86% and 58% in the control and goserelin groups, respectively. Conclusion(s): The addition of goserelin therapy to UAE did not alter the reduction rate or volume of uterine myomas. Objective: To determine if goserelin immediately after uterine artery embolization (UAE) affected myoma reduction. Design: Randomized pilot study (level 1). Setting: Teaching hospital. Patient (s): Twenty-six women. Intervention underwent UAE and 12 patients received 10.8 mg of goserelin 24 hours later. The treatment group was 5 years older: 43 versus 37.7 years. Uterine and myoma volumes were measured by ultrasound for 2 weeks before UAE and at 3, 6, and 12 months Results (s): Uterine and fibroid volumes. Result (s): Pretreatment uterine volume was 477 versus 556 cm3, and dominant fibroid volume was 257 versus 225 cm3 in the control versus goserelin groups. Analysis of variance measurements indicated that the By 12 months, the control group had a mean uterine volume reduction of 58% while while the goserelin group had a reduction of 45%. Dominant fibroid changes over time did not differ be tween the two groups. At 12 months, the mean fibroid volume had decreased decreased 86% and 58% in the control and goserelin groups, respectively. Conclusion (s): The addition of goserelin therapy to UAE did not alter the reduction rate or volume of uterine myomas.
患者女,53岁.主因上腹部胀满不适半个月,黑便伴乏力5 d于2005年3月9日入院.既往史:14年前行胆囊切除术,1年前行子宫和双附件切除.入院查体:轻度贫血貌,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,全腹无压痛,未扪及肿块,无移动性浊音。
目的 探讨眼睑恶性肿瘤手术切除造成眼睑缺损的4种Ⅰ期整复及再造方法在功能修复与外观美容方面的作用.方法 将该院1993年至2005年经手术切除和病理确诊的眼睑恶性肿瘤80例进行分析讨论.根据肿瘤切除范围采用4种整形修复方法,观察近远期疗效及并发症.结果 80例中78例皮瓣Ⅰ期成活,色泽红润,外形满意.2例延迟愈合.结论 依据缺损范围采取4种不同方法均取得满意疗效。
《南通市城市抗震防灾规划》2009年1月8日由南通市政府批复同意实施。这意味着南通成为新的《城市抗震防灾规划标准》颁布实施后,全国首个实施该标准的城市。 “Nantong cit
根据水库诱发地震的发震相关因素和特点,确定出水库诱发地震数据库元参数和库结构,并通过资料收集初步建立起水库诱发地震数据库,它包含了全世界水库诱发地震震例1 31个、中
1.临床资料:患者男,38岁.因体检发现左上肺占位2周入院.全身检查,包括血常规、肝肾功能、B超等均无异常发现,MRI示左上肺舌段一个占位病变,直径1.2 cm,于2005年6月10日在全麻下行左上肺叶及肿瘤切除术。
Background and aim: Known colorectal cancer syndromes, such as familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, have been identifie